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Реферат Cultural resume Japan

Cultural resume Japan


Konnichiwa (kon-nichee wah) is the Japanese way to say «good morning» or «hello». I think every foreigner should learn this, if he/she wants to visit this extraordinary country.

Japan is in the continent of Asia. Its country is made up of many islands. Since the sun rises in the east, Japan is often called «The Land of The Rising Sun». That s why the Japanese refer to their country as «Nippon» or «Nihon» which means «source of the sun». The Japanese flag represents a red sun on a white background. The capital of Japan is Tokyo. In fact it is one of the largest cities in the world. It is modern, very busy, and extremely crowded. In fact, today, Japan is a modernized country. They have factories, televisions, radios, cameras, and other familiar objects.

I ve always wanted to visit this wonderful country (since childhood), because I ve heard a lot about their uncommon, original, distinctive traditions and it is very interesting for me to learn more, so I ve chosen Japan.

1. The nation


Japan is a constitutional monarchy where the power of the Emperor is very limited. As a ceremonial figurehead, he is defined by the constitution as «the symbol of the state and of the unity of the people». Power is held chiefly by the Prime Minister of Japan and other elected members of the Diet, while sovereignty is vested in the Japanese people. [«The Constitution of Japan»] Akihito is the current Emperor of Japan; Naruhito, Crown Prince of Japan, stands as next in line to the throne.

Japan's legislative organ is the National Diet, a bicameral parliament. The Diet consists of a House of Representatives with 480 seats, elected by popular vote every four years or when dissolved, and a House of Councillors of 242 seats, whose popularly elected members serve six-year terms. There is universal suffrage for adults over 20 years of age, [«World Factbook: Japan» 2011] with a secret ballot for all elected offices. The Diet is dominated by the social liberal Democratic Party of Japan and the conservative Liberal Democratic Party (LDP). The LDP has enjoyed near continuous electoral success since 1955, except for a brief 11 month period between тисячі дев'ятсот дев'яносто три and 1994 and from +2009 to 2012. It holds 294 seats in the lower house and 83 seats in the upper house.

The Prime Minister of Japan is the head of government and is appointed by the Emperor after being designated by the Diet from among its members. The Prime Minister is the head of the Cabinet, and he appoints and dismisses the Ministers of State. Following the LDP's landslide victory in the 2012 general election, Shinz? Abe replaced Yoshihiko Noda as the Prime Minister on 26 December 2012. [The New York Times (New York) 2013] Although the Prime Minister is formally appointed by the Emperor, the Constitution of Japan explicitly requires the Emperor to appoint whoever is designated by the Diet.

Historically influenced by Chinese law, the Japanese legal system developed independently during the Edo period through texts such as Kujikata Osadamegaki. [Dean, Meryll (2002). Japanese legal system pp. 55-58.] However, since the late 19th century the judicial system has been largely based on the civil law of Europe, notably Germany. For example, in 1896 року, the Japanese government established a civil code based on a draft of the German «B? Rgerliches Gesetzbuch»; with post-World War II modifications, the code remains in effect. [Kanamori, Shigenari (1 January 1999) pp93-95] Statutory law originates in Japan s legislature and has the rubber stamp of the Emperor. The Constitution requires that the Emperor promulgate legislation passed by the Diet, without specifically giving him the power to oppose legislation. Japan s court system is divided into four basic tiers: the Supreme Court and three levels of lower courts. [«The Japanese Judicial System»] The main body of Japanese statutory law is called the Six Codes.

Educational systems

Primary schools, secondary schools and universities were introduced in 1 872 as a result of the Meiji Restoration. [Ellington, Lucien (1 December 2003). «Beyond the Rhetoric: Essential Questions About Japanese Education»] Since +1947, compulsory education in Japan comprises elementary and middle school, which together last for nine years (from age 6 to age 15). Almost all children continue their education at a three-year senior high school, and, according to the...

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