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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » The post-war period and the Cold War

Реферат The post-war period and the Cold War



The Beginning of the War

End of World War II and post-war (1945-47)

Beginnings of the Eastern Bloc

Berlin Blockade and airlift

NATO beginnings and Radio Free Europe

Crisis and escalation (1953-62). Khrushchev, Eisenhower and De-Stalinization

Warsaw Pact and Hungarian Revolution

Sino-Soviet split, space race, ICBMs

Berlin Crisis of 1961

Cuban Missile Crisis and Khrushchev ouster

Nixon, Brezhnev, and dйtente

Second Cold War (1979-85)

Final years (1985-91)


The Beginning of the War

The first use of the term to describe the post-World War II geopolitical <# "center"> End of World War II and post-war (1945-47)

The Allies disagreed about how the European map should look, and how borders would be drawn, following the war. Each side held dissimilar ideas regarding the establishment and maintenance of post-war security. The western Allies desired a security system in which democratic governments were established as widely as possible, permitting countries to peacefully resolve differences through international organizations <# "center"> Beginnings of the Eastern Bloc

During the final stages of World War II, the Soviet Union laid the foundation for the Eastern Bloc <# "center"> Berlin Blockade and airlift

The United States and Britain merged their western German occupation zones into "Bizonia" <# "center"> NATO beginnings and Radio Free Europe

Britain, France, the United States, Canada and eight other western European countries signed the North Atlantic Treaty <# "center"> Crisis and escalation (1953-62). Khrushchev, Eisenhower and De-Stalinization

In 1953, changes in political leadership on both sides shifted the dynamic of the Cold War. Dwight D. Eisenhower <# "center"> Warsaw Pact and Hungarian Revolution

While Stalin <# "center"> Sino-Soviet split, space race, ICBMs

The period after 1956 was marked by serious setbacks for the Soviet Union, most notably the breakdown of the Sino-Soviet alliance, beginning the Sino-Soviet split <# "center"> Berlin Crisis of 1961

The Berlin Crisis of 1961 <# "center"> Cuban Missile Crisis and Khrushchev ouster

Continuing to seek ways to oust Castro following the Bay of Pigs Invasion, Kennedy and his administration experime...

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