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Реферат The system of accommodation in Perm


Hotel chains nowadays form the basis of world tourist business. There are currently several hundreds of hotel chains in the world. Among them giant corporations can be distinguished, which hotels can be found almost anywhere in the world. Their names are well-known even to the ordinary tourist: Radisson, Best Western, Hyatt, Marriott, and Hilton. According to World Tourist Organization, one in five hotels belongs to a particular hotel chain, when hotels on the planet is about 16 million. The first hotel chains appeared in the late 30-s of the 20th century in the USA

Best Western hotel chain - is an example of one of the most successful enterprises in the hotel industry. Best Western Hotels was established right after World War II. Originally it was a merging of the 65 US hotels, which have decided to develop under a single brand. Today, under the brand name of Best Western there are over 4 thousand hotels, with the total hotel room capacity exceeding 300 thousand rooms. Simply speaking, Best Western - it is some kind of union, logo of which after the agreement can be used by all the members.

Hilton Hotels chains . The full name of the company is Hilton Hotels Corporation. Hilton is considered one of the oldest hotel chains in the world. It was established in 1919. As of today the corporation operates a total amount of 2600 hotels, the number of rooms in which exceeds 480 thousands. But, somehow or other, Hilton hotels are still among the most prestigious hotels in the world market.

Marriott Hotel Chain known for exceptionally high quality of service and reputation of one of the finest hotel chains in the world. Marriott started in 1927 with a modest catering family business. Today, Marriott hotels can be found on all the continents of the world, except Antarctica. The staff of the company consists of more than 200 thousand people, and annual sales have crossed the mark of 10 billion dollars.


Accomodation facilities are characterized a great variety of kinds and types. Each hotel gives various types of service and the equipment. And so one can designate several types of the hotels. - This is probably the most known in Russia method of classification of hotels. However, in the world not all the countries use such a system. Today, the hotels often use literal and symbolic denotation to determine their status. Thus, until recent time literal classification was widely used in Greece. In Sweden today as a symbol of class key is used instead of star , in Britain - crown , and the hotels on the coast of Goa receive points . One Star Hotels

Hotels in this classification are likely to be small and independently owned, with a family atmosphere. There may be a limited range of facilities and meals may be fairly simple. Some bedrooms may not have en suite bath/shower rooms. Maintenance, cleanliness and comfort should, however, always be of an acceptable standard. p align="justify"> Two Star Hotels

In this classification hotels will typically be small to medium sized and offer more extensive facilities than at the one star level. Reception and other staff will aim for a more professional presentation than at the one star level, and offer a wider range of straightforward services, including food and drink. p align="justify"> Three Star Hotels

At this level, hotels are usually of a size to support higher staffing levels, and a significantly greater quality and range of facilities than at the lower star classifications. All bedrooms will have fully en suite bath and shower rooms and offer a good standard of comfort and equipment, such as a hair dryer, direct dial telephone, toiletries in the bathroom. br/>

Four Star Hotels

Expectations at this level include a degree of luxury as well as quality in the furnishings, decor and equipment, in every area of ​​the hotel. Bedrooms will also usually offer more space, and well designed, coordinated furnishings and decor. The en-suite bathrooms will have both bath and fixed shower. There will be a high enough ratio of staff to guests to provide services like porterage, 24-hour room service, laundry and dry-cleaning. The restaurant will demonstrate a serious approach to its cuisine. p align="justify"> F...

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