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Реферат Nature and value of the enterprise infrastructure

t, favorable psychological climate for greater motivation. All this directly affects the productivity and outcomes of the enterprise. In modern conditions to achieve high technical and economic indices of production is impossible without sustainable development as a major manufacturing and industrial and social infrastructure. br/>

1.2 System maintenance

enterprise infrastructure ukraine

The necessary conditions of normal flow of production processes in the enterprise are: to maintain a constant operational machinery and equipment, other means of work, timely provision of jobs raw materials, tools, energy, and fulfillment of transport operations and other related work with them. All this has to effectively functioning system of technical maintenance. Within the system of maintenance carried out the following functions:? repair technology, energy, transport and other equipment, care for him and debugging;? provide jobs tools and devices as their own production and purchased (bought) in specialized manufacturers;? movement of goods, performance of loading and unloading;? ensure divisions electric and thermal energy, steam, gas, compressed air, etc.;? ensure timely production facilities (stations, separate productions) raw materials, materials and supplies, fuel;? warehousing and storage of imported (purchased), financial resources, as well as semi-assembly of individual units of finished products. [6, p .. 283] wear unevenly. There is a need for renewal and replacement of worn parts of equipment which is suitable for further use. Repair - the process of restoring the original diyespromozhnosti equipment that was lost as a result of industrial use. Units that are part of maintenance, perform maintenance and repair of labor, installation and commissioning of new equipment, production of spare parts and optional equipment, modernization of existing machinery and equipment. In practice, three forms of repair and maintenance depending on the scale. For all forms of centralized repair personnel of the enterprise subordinated to the mechanics. Decentralized form, in contrast, assumes that all types of repair work performed by staff workshop repair facilities that are subordinated to the heads of departments. Mixed form of repair combining centralization and decentralization: maintenance and current repair personnel shall repair production facilities, and major repair, modernization, production of spare parts and optional equipment - staff repair and machine shop Determination of the volume and types of repairs in the repair system for the technical diagnosis is dependent on the actual need for them after the objective control of technical condition of this or that kind of work [6, p .. 285] Tool Industry is one of the most important elements of the maintenance of production. The cost of the tool in mass production reaches 25-30% in the series - 10-15%, a...

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