decimal four miles.
3. Reference to Navigational Mark (in those areas where designated Report ing Points have been marked on the charts)
POSITION: Northeast from Rangitoto Beacon POSITION: approaching Goeree Light Tower. POSITION: between buoy number: one-three and buoy number: one-five
4. By Reporting Points
e.g. Gammon, POSITION: point Alfa; TIME: one-zero-zero-one local7the following into a form suitable for transmission over VHF. Listen to the recording and check your answer: 30 В° 50 'N 018 В° 25 02 E; 23:30 UTC: position: at time: two-three-three zero UTC: latitude three-zero, degrees, five-zero minutes North, longitude: zero-one-eight degrees, two-five decimal zero-two minutes East.
1. Latitude and Longitude -03 В° 46'N, 08 В° 48'E
В° 14.2 'N, 08 В° 28, E
12 В° 06'N, 68 В° 56.2 'W, 15:00 GMT
12 В° 09'N, 69 В° 01W, 1:00 GMT -63 В° 54'N, 38 В° 06'E, 10:00 GMT
2. Bearing and Distance
200 В° 3.1 miles from Cape Couronne.
340 В° 4.6 miles from Uinga Island West Point
220 В° 1.3 miles from Hoek Van Baarland
- 180 В° 2.1 miles from Fjard Hallan.
090 В° 0.1 miles from Red Fish Island South Point, 00:10 GMT.
3. Navigational Marks
Approaching Maas centre buoy
NE from Goeree light beacon
Between Eurogeul buoys E. 11 and E. 13.
Passing South from Deutsche Bucht light vessel
Leaving Barrow Deep
4. Reporting Points
Approaching waypoint T.5, Texas City. 11:11 local
Waypoint 10 Gryten. 12:00 local
Waypoint 30 Klubbensborg 6:30 local-Waypoint, buoy number 135: Finkenwerder,! 1:30 local
Crayfordness Point, 20:00 local
Exercise 30. Form the sentences rising the data of the position of a vessel with regard to Barr Head lighthouse
248 В°, 3.0 miles; 5. 140 В°, 5.2 miles;
359 В°, 4.1 miles; 6. 37 В°, 4.0 miles;
41 В°, 1.2 miles; 7. 127 В°, 2.5 miles;
86 В°, 0.9 miles; 8. 165 В°, 10 miles.
Exercise 31. Translate from Russian into English
У точці 15 В° 34 'північної широти і 61 В° 29' західної довготи виробляються рятувальні роботи.
Ваше місце від маяка Бар-Хед по пеленгу 137 В° на відстані 2.4 милі.
Невідоме судно знаходиться на північний схід від мису К. За пеленгу 125 В° на відстані 2 миль.
Моє місце розташування 35 В° 23 'північної широти і 47 В° східної довготи.
Між СВ буями Є. 11 і Е. 15 плавають уламки судна.
Exercise 32. Define the position of your vessel and convey it in two ways. Begin with the words 'Myposition is ... 'p align="justify"> of Standard Phrases defined by use and response
Conversation controlsStandard phraseMeaningTranslationResponse (phrase/action) BreakI must break into this conversation for urgent reasonsПрериваю.Respondent allows user of the word break to change the subject or to terminate prematurely.Nothing moreI have finished my message. You are free to change subject or terminate.У мене все.Respondent changes subject or terminates the conversation.Please acknowledgeIndicate that you have received what I have just said.Подтвердіте пріем.Respondent gives the appropriate reply marker 'I received following information' or says 'understood'Plea...