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Реферат Modern constitutionalism and the state Israel

s of conducting of the Russian Federation and its subjects.most optimal model of differentiation of the subjects of conducting of the Federation and its subjects can be recognized the three-link system of the subjects of conducting: 1) subjects of joint conducting of the Russian Federation and its subjects; 2) subjects of exclusive conducting of the Russian Federation; 3) subjects of exclusive conducting of the subjects of the Russian Federation.specified formula of differentiation of the subjects of conducting will allow to limit federal intervention of the Federation into the spheres of exclusive regulation of public relations of the subjects of the Federation, to reduce unreasonable duplication of federal norms in the regional legislation, to make effective the mechanism of responsibility of the power, to stabilize the legislation of the Russian Federation, and, finally, will allow to increase the reality of maintenance of equal rights and freedoms of a person in each subject of the Russian Federation.present regional law-making is the major form of realization of the powers of the subjects of the Russian Federation, concretely expressed in the system of statutory acts.system of the regional legislation has the features conditioned with the purpose facing the subject - to provide reproduction of the territorial generality living within the limits of the concrete subject of the Federation, its harmonious and integrated development within the framework of the region and the entire territory of the Federation, within the limits of legal opportunities determined by the federal legislation.of law-making is predetermined by the factors influencing the legislator of the subject of the Russian Federation among which we can allocate: external (objective) - geopolitical, social and economic, national and ethnographic, political and legal features of the region, organizational and financial security of law-making functions, and the state of legal system in the country, and internal (subjective) - professionalism and sense of political elite, legality of law-making process, adequate definition of the legal nature of public relations, right choice of the form of the statutory act of the subject of the Federation, definition of the goals and choice of means in regulation of the subject under legal influence, and strict observance of rules of legal proceedings., if the purposes of the law are socially significant, actual, vital during the given period (or in perspective) to the subject of the Federation as the territorial generality, the chosen means of regulation are adequate to the goals, and the regulation is positive, qualitative, hence, the statutory-legal act can be recognized as an effective regulator of the public life.of the regional legislation allows to allocate its main lacks: unsystematic character of the legislation, internal discrepancy, lack of a number of statutory acts and excessive plurality of statutory-legal acts.the session of the Council of legislators the President has designated the major prospects and directions of the legislative activity of the subjects of the Russian Federation, in particular, having emphasized, that influence of the regions on the formation of the legal space of Russia is very great.

All legal mechanisms, including the regional legislation, should promote the effective decision of essential social and economic problems of the citizens [4] .of the regional parliaments specify, that at present realization of the project designated as priority projects by the federal centre, is coming into practical realization in the subjects of the Russian Federation. Their further productivity in many respects will depend on efficiency of interaction of the federal organs of the government in the regions and the organs of local self-management. Thus legislators consider, that the paramount value in this connection will belong to the coordinated work of all levels of the power both at the federal, and at the regional levels.particular, the necessary condition at adoption of the federal budget the participation of the regional power will allow in full to take into consideration local features. At the same time, the subjects of the Russian Federation are obliged to debug the system of target and rational application of means of the centre and own resources at realization of the project. The federal centre should in due time realize legal regulation and provide regions with budgetary funds, and local statutory legal acts should be adopted without delay.important place in stabilization of the legislation of the Russian Federation is occupied by the process of finishing of reduction of the regional legislation in full conformity with the federal. So, according to the Ministry of Justice only in ten subjects of the Russian Federation the given work has been fully completed raquo ;. Last year on the results of examination more than 40 thousand sta...

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