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Реферат Security law enforcement and personal security staff in the development of independent Ukraine

which is due to the peculiarities of the behavior of individual team members. Only when both components coincide, social and psychological climate be recognized as the best or safe.a survey of law enforcement officers who attend the University of Internal Affairs, they were asked to assess the welfare socio-psychological climate in the workplace where they work. The study less than half of employees (43.9%) assessed social and psychological climate in 'their units as safe. Most workers (56.0%) noted the presence of conflicts in their groups. Thus 46.3% of them characterized socio-psychological climate as the one where simmering conflicts, and 9.7% - noted the presence of 'groups developed their conflicts. Among the causes of conflict are identified: the presence of workers who, for various reasons deliberately provoke conflict or development (noted 36.5% of respondents), personal traits head (24.3%); neuminnya head extinguish the conflict at the stage of its inception ( 21, 7%). That is 52.3% of the respondents indicated that conflicts in their groups associated with the head, either with his personal traits, or insufficient levels of culture, they lack the necessary skills. Complement this data answers the question: "How does management of your organization relates to interpersonal conflicts among employees?". Responses were as follows: User notices interpersonal conflict in organizations - 36.3%; leadership is also guilty of conflict - 24.8%; User shall take all possible measures in order to save and protect workers from the emergence and existence of conflict - 21 вересня%. The fact that managers tend to ignore or mute conflicts or incidents that could escalate into conflict lies the danger. This usually leads to a voltage between people and groups, and ultimately to an emotional explosion. Clearly, this is only one side of the manifestation of this problem. No less significant compared to the conflicts in the system "supervisor-subordinate" is, in terms of their damaging effects on individual employee and the organization in general, conflicts between team members. That is why these issues are actively discussed both domestic and foreign experts. Interesting in this respect is the study of German authors and L.Vaniorek A.Vaniorek devoted to the problem of "mobbinhu." Symbolic and their titles "Mobbinh: when work becomes hell" concept "mobbinh" define fairly well known phenomenon, which is the psychological pressure in the workplace. According to the statement of experts around 3 - 4% of all those employed on work experience mobbinhu at their jobs. Those who have experienced mob attacks bingo often suffer pains in the stomach, depression, cardiovascular violation sudennoyi activity and insomnia, and some people even thought there samohubstvo.Rezultaty about these and other studies again emphasize the importance and complexity of the problem human relationships. The main tool for forming and correction of social and p...

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