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Реферат Possibilities of Internet resources in Teaching English Vocabulary

e traditional learning systems, they don t rely on a series of time-consuming and boring assessments. Instead, everything you do on the site adds to their AVI model. It s like you have a personal trainer in the room, monitoring your work and suggesting new words  and exercises to challenge you on your level. Because of this, you don t waste your time learning words that are too easy or too hard.

They don t let you forget.

Finally, they analyze your achievements, and reinforce your skills by reintroducing words at various times to make sure that you are retaining the words you originally learned

A Whole Lot of Questions, a Whole Lot of Learning

The heart of The Challenge is more than 100,000 vocabulary questions that are designed to evaluate and teach vocabulary words. Each question tests a particular meaning of a word, provides helpful hints, and is followed by an explanation of the correct answer. Many studies have shown that the best way to learn is through multiple exposures to a word, with challenging questions that make you think.

It's Like a Personal Trainer for Your Brain

They use their own adaptive learning system to ensure that you get the right question at the right time. They build a model of your vocabulary and abilities as you answer each question, and then serve you up with questions that are not too hard and not too easy. From the results of these questions, they determine what words to focus on in your personalized learning program.

A Personalized List of Words Just for You

As you answer questions, they begin to compile a list of words to learn. If you get a question wrong or choose to use a hint, the word is added to the list. Once They add a word to this list, They keep working with you until you ve mastered that word. You can see your list by clicking on the My Progress tab on the top of the screen.

Hints and Explanations Help You Learn

If you re having trouble with a question, they will sometimes provide a hint to help you along. Depending on the word, you can use your hint to eliminate a choice, to see sentence examples, or to see definitions of the word. If you get a question wrong, they provide you with a friendly Vocabulary description of the word. Read it! It s designed to help you remember the word.

Four Question Categories

On the upper right hand corner of each question is a question category and a point value. There are four question categories:

· Assessment - These questions can be about any word and are chosen based on how you ve done on all previous questions. (100 points without a hint, 50 points with a hint)

· Review - If you get a question wrong or ask for a hint, they ll give it to you again as a review question. (75 points)

· Progress - Once a word has been added to the list of words you re learning, they ll continue to ask you new Progress questions about it until you ve mastered the word. (100 points)

· Mastery Review - Even after you ve mastered a word, they still check up on you every once in a while with a Mastery Review question. (100 points)

Earn Points and Achievements

As you answer questions correctly and learn words, you earn points. And as you earn more points, you are assigned a badge that represents your level. You start as a novice, and then as you hit different point goals, you ll earn new badges.can also earn extra badges based on various achievements, such as answering 5 questions correctly in a row, or acing a round. Click on My Profile to see a list of available achievements and levels.

Chart Your Progress

You can find out more about how you re doing by clicking on the My Progress tab. From there you ll see charts on overall progress, as well as progress on any individual word.

The Dictionary

The Vocabulary dictionary is designed to be the fastest, most useful English dictionary in the world. Unlike most online dictionaries, They want you to find your word s meaning fast and then get on to better things. They don t care how many ads you see or how many pages you view. In fact, most of the time you ll find the word you need after typing only one or two letters.

Predictive Magic

Their search box is smart. So smart that it predicts what you re looking up as you typ...

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