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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые проекты » Формування іншомовних граматичних навичок в середній школі з використанням інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій

Реферат Формування іншомовних граматичних навичок в середній школі з використанням інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій

курс лекцій). М .: Просвещение, 2002. 239с.

23. Carstairs-McCarthy, A. In Introduction to English Morphology: Words and Their Structure/A. Carstairs-McCarthy.- Edinburgh: Edinburgh Univ. Press, 2002. - 160 p.

. Murphy Raymond. English Grammar in Use/Murphy Raymond.- Cambridge.- Cambridge University Press, 1997.- 278p.

25. # justify gt; Додаток 1

Приклади завдань з Нового компонент курсу New Opportunities Russian Edition - Test Master CD-Rom (іздательствоPearson Education Limited. Longman)

. Choose the best option and underline A, B, C or D as in the example 0.

A horse has got__________ legs.for B fore C fort D four

Hi. What s __________? You name B your name C the name D name

Mr Green is __________ English teacher.our B us C we D you

How __________ you today?- I m fine, thanks.are B is C be D am

We are __________ the classroom.on B in C at D with

__________ are fifteen students in my class.These B Them C There D Their

Make these sentences negative.

Kemal lives in Istanbul.doesn t live in Istanbul.

They like classical music.


Sami lives in Bursa.

_____________________________ __.

We like Mexican food.

Make these sentences into questions.

Kemal lives in Istanbul.Kemal live in Istanbul?.

They like classical music.


Sami lives in Bursa.


We like Mexican food.


Complete the verbs in these sentences by adding s if necessary.

She lives in Buenos Aires.

They play basketball.

It often rain in summer.

We never go for a picnic in the park.

My Dad seldom work on Saturdays.

Fatima like to visit her friends.

Complete the sentences. Underline the correct alternative.

from Montenegro.) I mb) My c) Me

from Recife in Brazil.) She sb) Her c) She re

She got two brothers.) have b) has c) does

Can you the piano?) plays b) to play c) play

Complete the sentences with the past form of the verbs in brackets.

The rain (start) started at half past four.

Christopher Wren (design) __________________ St Paul s Cathedral.

Christopher Columbus (discover) ___________________ America.

Vincent Van Gogh (paint) _______________ the Sunflowers.

Underline the correct form; was or were in these sentences.

Indira Ghandi was | were the president of India.

Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton was | were Presidents of the USA.

Pierre and Marie Curie was | were scientists.

The Spice Girls was | were popular a few years ago.

Complete the text with the past form of the verbs below.

arrivebedrinkeatflygetgohavesleeptakewake up

Last year we went (0) on holidayThailand. We _____________ (1) from LondonBangkok. When we _____________ (2) we

_____________ (3) very tired. We _____________ (4) taxi straight to our hotel. After we _____________ (5) the hotel, we _____________ (6) for three hours! _____________ (7) at about seven o clock ._____________ (8) dinner in the hotel ._____________ (9) some delicious lobster. My_____________ (10) a lot of beer!

(10 marks) these sentences with the correct prepositions.

Sandra comes from Switzerland.

I ll arrive _________________ quarter past three.

What are you going to do _________________ Saturday afternoon?

The farmers plant the potatoes _________________ October.

They waited at the airport _________________ four hours - _________________ six o clock _________________ ten o clock.

I m not very interested _________________ mathematics but I still get...

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