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Реферат Psychology of legal education and estimation. Psychology of legal estimation (legal psihonotarology

of legal education and estimation. Psychology of legal estimation (legal psihonotarology)

Introductory remarks his ontogenesis (personal development) each person has several groups of genetically mortgaged psychic characteristics, such as ability and skill to learn straightdanmark, human speech, to send the informational messages with the help of the body, to be orientated at time and space, in social sphere, information sphere. One of the psychic factors of their development is that which at the determined stage of life of the individual and personality becomes absolutely required. For instance, in the beginning the child creeps that is to say goes on four limbs (according to Zh. Piazhe lifting of the head at creeping causes the greater influx of blood in brain that influences his psychic development) afterwards he makes the first steps and begins to walk until he begins to do it firmly, stably, harmoniously that is learns to walk.his life the person needs the ability and skill to be trained.parameters are great and rich. For instance, training the ability and skill to be the example for their own grandchildren. This age particularity has been artistically made by Victor Hugo in his novel The art to be a grandparent to love and to be loved unselfishly and dedicatedly, to be infinitely lucky. The need in abilities and skills for learning, abilities and skills for estimation takes its beginning at the period of pre-pubertat age and intensive increases at the period of pubertat. At this age there appears need for ability and skill of physical self-estimation of the individual. Probably, the process of identifications [2] of the person is harmoniously connected with this need. During our life we ??feel such needs for study, estimation and self-estimation of the processes and phenomena, activity and actions, relations and contacts, behavior of others and our own behavior. That is why there can be selected two great groups: needs for abilities and skills of estimation of the external environment and social needs - on the one hand, and needs for abilities and skills of estimation of the social sphere and personal self-estimation - on the other hand.USA psychologists for a long time have been working on applied aspects of estimation of the person. But in 1970-s problems of holistic process of estimation of performance have become actual [3]. In the opinion of the USA psychologists particularly important has become the realization of the fact that a person, implementing estimation, faces the problem of interpersonal perception [4], which requires perceptions of memory and reproduction of events connected with perception of a certain person. It is necessary to understand, who people perceive others what they recollect and only afterwards - how they extract their memory information on others how they recall about them and reflect it (information) at the scale (estimation.). This new focus stimulates the significant volume of the work on the problem of the whole sequences of the performance (activity, action) and must result in improvement of our abilities to realize the performance [5]. The specified psychological concept is true since it considers estimation as the cognitive process. But it is insufficient to consider here only perception, memory and reproduction of information on object, which is subjected to estimation. Estimation as an intellectual product comprises all cognitive processes, the degree of their development, power, life experience, psychic conditions. That is why modern legal practice needs the personality which has powerfully expressed necessity for training abilities and skills for unceasing qualification on multiple questions of legal psychonatrology. It is possible to indicate some of them: estimation of the process of legal activity and actions; estimation of results of legal activity; psychic compatibility of a person, realizing estimation, estimated in the legal activity; psychic stability of a person, realizing estimation, in the process of estimation; psychology of estimation of the legal act; the psychology of the conditions at realization of legal estimation; psychology of mistakes at legal estimation; psychology of the professional deflections of a person, realizing estimation, psychology of estimation of professional success of a person, realizing estimation (the lawyer); psychology of the legal scales for estimation; psychology of professional style in legal estimation.psychic mechanism of realization of estimations is abilities and skills, considered in the first part of the article. Here we can add the thesis of J.P. Gilford. By means of factorial analysis the author forms up the structured model of the human intellect, which includes 150 intellectual abilities [6]. And this psychologist...

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