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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » The constitutional right of citizens to appeal of acts of bodies of the executive power of the Republic Bulgaria

Реферат The constitutional right of citizens to appeal of acts of bodies of the executive power of the Republic Bulgaria

The constitutional right of citizens to appeal of acts of bodies of the executive power of the Republic Bulgaria

The term Constitution proceeds from the Latin language and means «to establish». In the most general plan the notion Constitution is defined as organization of one generality, one alliance. The State is the most complex alliance, and the Constitution is the main scheme and program of its functioning.legal science it is admitted to consider that the term Constitution as the state organization for the first time was used by the Roman orator Cicerone.American continent gave the samples of the first constitutions of modern type: the Constitution of the state Virginia of 1 776, followed by adoption of the Constitution by other states and the federal Constitution of the United States of America of 1787.the European continent in тисячу сімсот дев'яносто-один there were adopted two Constitutions: the Constitution of Poland (May 1791) and the first French Constitution (August 1791) .First Bulgarian Constitution was adopted on April 16, 1879 by the Constituent assembly c held in Tyrnovo. Then followed the Constitution of 1947 and the Constitution of 1971.current Constitution of Bulgaria was adopted on July, грудень 1991 by the Great people s assembly. It contains the norms, defining the bases of the state system of Bulgaria, organization and functioning of supreme state bodies (People s assembly, the council of ministers, the President, the Constitutional Court), bases of economic and public life and legal status of the citizens.Constitution of the Russian Federation, adopted by nationwide voting on December 12, 1993 Russia is proclaimed as the democratic federative legal state with republican mode of rule. A person, his rights and freedoms are declared the supreme value of the state. And recognition, observance and protection of rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen are the duty of the state.current constitution of Ukraine was adopted on V th session of the Supreme Rada of Ukraine on June 28, 1996. It expresses the sovereign will of the Ukrainian people. This act guarantees the fundamental rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen in Ukraine, defines bases of organization and activity of the system of bodies of state authorities, recognizes and guarantees local self-management. The Constitution is based on the Act of proclamation of independence of Ukraine August 24, 1991, confirmed on December 1 of the same year by nationwide voting.current Constitution of the Pridnestrovskaia Moldavskaia Respublika was adopted at the referendum on December 24, +1995 and was signed by the President on January 17, 1996. It defines the Pridnestrovskaia Moldavskaia Respublika as the presidential republic. The political mode is democracy in the process of development which is the guarantee of rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen, providing the exact performance of the Constitution and laws.Constitution is the act of the supreme legal force and the rest statutory-legal acts can not contradict it. Correspondence of the laws and other statutory legal acts to the Constitution is the premises for creation of the uniform non contradicting legal system. It means that financial, civil, criminal law and all the rest branches of the law should be created on bases and in accordance with positions of the Constitution, its principles and norms.Constitution guarantees fundamental rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen, establishes the system of legal procedures of their protection. The Constitution regulates the bases of state organization. It defines the forms of the government and the structure of the system of the state bodies.constitutional principle of division of the powers into legislative, executive and judicial provides efficient functioning of public authorities. Not to allow abuses of power so that each of the branches was controlled by actions of the other two branches of the power, the Constitution defines mechanisms of their mutual checks and balances.special attention in the Constitution is emphasized on the principle of equality of citizens. According to the Constitution all people are free and equal in their rights, all of them are equal before law. No privileges or restrictions of rights and freedoms are admitted on the ground of the certain features such as race, nationality, ethnic origin, sex, origin, religion, education, beliefs, and property status. The principle of equality defines at high degree the democratic essence of civil society.democratic nature of the Constitution is conditioned by the broad volume of rights and freedoms, given to a person and a citizen by the Constitution of Republic Bulgaria. The list and volume of the constitutional rights and freedoms corresponds to the internati...

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