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Реферат Social human rights and their maintenance in Republic North Ossetia - Alaniya

human rights and their maintenance in Republic North Ossetia - Alaniya

In the Constitution of the Russian Federation defines our state as social whose policy is directed on creation of the conditions providing worthy life and free development of the person. The embodiment into life of the given constitutional regulation is the duty of the state. It conditions the necessity of scientific development and realization of measures of social protection. The significant place among them occupies legal regulation and judicial protection of social human rights.regulation of rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen, according to article 71 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, relates to exclusive conducting of the Russian Federation, and their protection is in joint conducting of the Russian Federation and its subjects (Article 72). Despite the above mentioned, bodies of the government of the subjects of the Russian Federation actively participate in legal regulation of rights and freedoms, especially social as in the Constitution of the Russian Federation there is no direct interdiction to it. Moreover, according to legal publications, on the one hand, maintenance of legal protection of the rights and freedom is impossible without legal regulation, and on the other hand - establishment of rights and freedom in the constitution or in the charter of the subject of the Russian Federation is already an additional measure of legal protection by virtue of legal properties of the constitution and the charter [1]. Therefore the Parliament of Republic Severnaya Ossetia - Alaniya has made the right decision, having fixed in the Constitution of Republic Severnaya Ossetia - Alaniya, all rights and freedom of the person and the citizen and the guarantee of their maintenance stipulated by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, and in separate cases the Constitution of Republic Severnaya Ossetia - Alaniya gives the person wider social rights. Thus, according to article 38 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation the state protection is provided to motherhood, childhood and family and article 38 of the Constitution of Republic Severnaya Ossetia - Alaniya establishes far paternity as the object of social protection. Such legislative regulation is supported with the position of the President of the Russian Federation stated by him in the Message to the Federal Assembly in 2005 in which there has been specified the necessity to raise prestige both of motherhood, and paternity [2]. While Article 41 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation provides the right on medical aid, the Constitution of Republic Severnaya Ossetia - Alaniya gives the right to the qualified medical aid. It also guarantees the free-of-charge secondary (full) education, whereas the Constitution of the Russian Federation guarantees only secondary education.with the constitutional norms, the important role in regulation and, thus, in maintenance of social rights of the citizens is played by the current laws and other statutory-legal acts. It is necessary to agree with the Head of Administration of the President of the Russian Federation SS Sobyanin that adoption of statutory-legal acts in social sphere remains the priority at present for law enforcement activity of subjects of the Russian Federation [3]. Realizing it, the regional bodies of the government carry out active law enforcement activity. Thus, the Parliament of Republic Severnaya Ossetia - Alaniya only for the last year and a half has adopted 15 laws providing social protection of the citizens. They in many respects provide rights of socially unprotected groups of the population of the republic: veterans, invalids, families having children - invalids, families of victims, etc. Thus, for example, the Law of Republic Severnaya Ossetia - Alaniya from March 5, 2005 No. 20-РЗ About measures of social support of veterans establishes the legal guarantees of social support of veterans for the purpose of creation for them of the conditions providing worthy life, vigorous activity, honour and respect in the society. Such guarantees are preservation of free-of-charge service in medical institutions, free-of-charge permits on sanatorium service, free-of-charge reception of land, free-of-charge fare of all kinds of city public transport (except for taxi) on the entire territory of republic, preferential payment (50%) of communal services, etc.the republic there are annually adopted target programs in social sphere ( Development of general medical practice raquo ;, Program Anti AIDS raquo ;, laquo ; Program Child Health raquo ;, Oncology ) for whose money resources are allocated by the law. In 2007 the law on the budget established the list of social programs ( Urgent measures against tuberculosis in Republic S...

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