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Реферат Economy of Qing Empire


WORKtopic Economy of Qing Empire

- 2012



I. Economy of Qing Empire

Economy during the early Qing

II. State control of the economy

Isolationist trade policy

The Opium Wars

III. Qing Empire in the system of world trade

Russian-Qing economic relation

Enforcement of a foreign sector

IV.Economical crisis (1909-1913)



Qin dynasty, after unifying the territory later known as China raquo ;, took some contradictory measures to enhance the economical productivity of the empire. On the one side, money and weights and measures were standardized throughout all commanderies, leading to smoother transactions over longer distances. On the other side, the First Emperor and his successors ordered gigantic construction work in the Capital Xianyang and its surroundings as well as in othe r parts of the empire. The tomb of the First Emperor, the Epang Palace and the Great Wall are the most famous examples. Higher taxes and intensive corv? E labour required from the peasants prevented the national economy from reposing after decades if not centuries of permanent warfare.

The economic policy of the Qin was compared by the early Han period writer Jia Yi with that of a wartime economy kept running even in peacetime. The exploitation of the peasantry finally lead to uprisings that would bring the downfall of the dynasty. The economic history of China stretches over thousands of years and has undergone alternating cycles of prosperity lt; # justify gt; I. Economy of Qing Empire

A handful of factors lead to a fast population growth during the mid of Qing period. The first source for the population growth was of course the economical prosperity under the century of the three Emperors Kangxi, Yongzheng and Qianlong (abbreviated to Kang Yong Qian Sanchao ???????). During the whole course of Chinese history, the lack of arable land in the densely populated areas made it necessary to invent new techniques of agriculture to harvest as much as possible from a small amount of land. In the 18th century, Chinese agriculture was the most advanced of the world - but the cheapness of labour force in a densely populated land was an impediment for the widespread use of machinery on the countryside - until nowadays. New fruits from the Americas helped the Chinese population to obtain a better nourishment: potoatoes (tudou ??), peanuts (huasheng ??), sorghum millet (gaoliang ??), corn (mais; yumi ?? or bangzi ??). Additionally, crops that can be used in industrial agriculture (plantations), like tea (cha?; Fujian dialects: d?), Cotton (mian?), And sugar cane (jian?), Stimulated private entrepreneurship and employment. 1770, the tax for the small peasants was the lowest of the whole history of China, and the whole countryside during the mid-Qing period seemed to be blessed with a relative high living standard and an education system that allowed many wealthy peasants to learn the basics of reading and writing. The crafts and minor industries in the cities were equally much higher developed in China than in Europe. Textile industry first provided an extra income to the peasant families, but later developed to a separate industrial branch with factory workers, especially in Songjiang ?? near later Shanghai, Suzhou ??/Jiangsu and Hangzhou ??/Zhejiang - a city famous for its silk production. Tea plantations in Zhejiang and Fujian did not only deliver their products to all places in China, but produced also goods for export to Europe, especially England.

The Qin dynasty, after unifying the territory later known as China raquo ;, took some contradictory measures to enhance the economical productivity of the empire. On the one side, money and weights and measures were standardized throughout all commanderies, leading to smoother transactions over longer distances. On the other side, the First Emperor and his successors ordered gigantic construction work in the Capital Xianyang and its surroundings as well as in other parts of the empire. The tomb of the First Emperor, the Epang Palace and the Great Wall are the most famous examples. Higher taxes and intensive corv? E labour required from the peasants preven...

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