Міносвіти Росії
Федеральне державне автономне освітня установа вищої освіти
«ПІВДЕННИЙ федеральний університет»
Курсова робота
по курсу «Світ вивчається. Історія та культура Великобританії »
На тему: The juvenile justice in England and Russia
Студентка Афанасьєва М.С.
Керівник роботи: А.А. Яковлєв
г. Таганрог 2014
CHAPTER I. Juvenile Justice. What is it
1.1 Juvenile System
. 1.1 Three models of Juvenile System
. 2 Juvenile Court
. 2.1 The system of Juvenile Court
. 2.2 Functions of Juvenile Court
. 3 The history of Juvenile System
. 4 The modern system of Juvenile Justice in Britain
. 4.1 Age of criminal responsibility
. 4.2 Arrest
1.4.3 Prosecution, reprimands and final warnings
. 4.4 Bail
. 4.5 Detention in custody
1.4.6 Trial in the Youth Court
1.4.7 Trial in the Crown Court
CHAPTER II. Juvenile System in Russia - the actual of it
2.1 The public authorities
. 2 The legislative framework
. 3 The current situation
. 4 The critics of the Juvenile System in Russia
. 5 The reasons for critics of Juvenile System
In my course work I d ??like to touch the topic of Juvenile Justice. It is an actual problem (and has always been!), Because it is connected with the essential institution - Family. , The idea of ?? Juvenile Justice was to create specialized children s courts and has been implemented in the US, where in Chicago there was created the first children s court in 1899.
Then expanded the idea and a few years later it took shape as juvenile system raquo ;, which included various agencies concerned with childhood. In the UK, a series of laws on children and young people were adopted in 1908. In France, the juvenile court was initiated in 1914 by an engineer Eduard Zhyule, who after returning from the US in 1 906, made the social report on the above topic in the Paris Museum.
In Russia the first juvenile court worked from January 1910 to 1918. The juvenile ideas were somewhat forgotten after the events of the revolution and coup. , The supporters of the Juvenile Justice advocate not only the introduction of juvenile courts raquo ;, namely the creation of a juvenile system.
Since +2001 in the Rostov region there was launched a pilot project Support to the implementation of juvenile justice raquo ;, aimed at introducing the courts of general jurisdiction of international legal standards of juvenile justice. As a result, Taganrog was opened Russia's first juvenile court in March 2004.
Essentially, widely advertised experience boiled down until the introduction of special judges for juveniles in a separate building. The most characteristic feature of the court was an active involvement of children in the trials. It is characteristic that the work on the implementation of these projects focuses mainly on UN documents.
This work is not limited to the creation of criminal courts for juveniles, and aims to tackle the broader objective -creation of juvenile civil courts; special penal system for juveniles; social issues related to juveniles deprived of parental care, including in cases of deprivation of parental rights; wide authorities, which are provided to social services (they essentially would control the discharge of parental rights and responsibilities, including appeals made by children themselves). Juvenile justice is intended to cover some other questions like: medical issues, sex education and family planning.
Chapter I. Juvenile Justice. The phenomenon and its idea
. 1 Juvenile System
The juvenile justice system - is a network of institutions and organizations working together with juvenile offenders, whose activity is based on statutes and procedural rules governing the treatment of minor children. These agencies and organizatio...