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Реферат Pylyp Orlyk and his constitution



Department of History of Ukraine


"Pylyp Orlyk and his Constitution "

first-year student

group № 2

Vasyl Palyadnik

Scientific Advisor

associate professor Isakova N. P.

Kyiv - 2009


I. Biography

II. Family

III. Constitution



В  I. Biography

Pylyp Orlyk was born in the village of Kosuta, Ashmyany <# "1.files/image001.gif">

After years fighting against the Muscovite tsars, Orlyk fled first to Sweden <, and then passed through central Europe to the relative safety of the Ottoman lands. On 2 November < 1722 < ... the fifty-year-old Orlyk was ordered by the Porte < to Salonica. There this cultivated and warm-hearted man spent no less than twelve years in exile, watching the twists and turns of European politics from the sidelines while his impoverished wife remained in Cracow < and his eight children were dispersed throughout Europe. Only in March 1734 was he released, thanks to French intervention, and allowed to move north; still trying to organize an uprising in the Ukraine, he died in poverty nine years later. Orlyk's misfortune has proved to be the historian's gain, for from the day of his arrival he kept a diary which offers a unique insight into the eighteenth-century city ... His urgent scrawl gives access not only to his voluminous political correspondence, most of which - in Latin, French, Polish and Ukrainian - was duly copied into his journals, but also to the rigours of daily life in his place of exile. The misbehaviour of his loutish servants, the local fare, his bag after a day's shooting in the plains, stories told him by tailors, interpreters and bodyguards enliven its pages. Jesuits, consuls, doctors, spies and the Turkish judges and governors who ran the city all encountered the busy exile. Most of the time, he lived well, considering his predicament ...


1. Doroshenko D. The essay os history of Ukraine by 2 b. - K.: Globus, 1991, b.2;

2. Subtelny O. Ukraine: history - K /: Lybid, 1993;

3. The bases of state and rights of Ukraine. - K., 1993;

4. The first Constitution of Ukraine by hetman Pylyp Orlyk.1710. - K.: Veselka, 1994.; p> 5. Pylyp Orlyk/Hetman-emigrant ... K., 1991. br/>

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