Nonlinear multi-wave coupling and resonance in elastic structures
Kovriguine DA
Solutions to the evolution equations describing the phase and amplitude modulation of nonlinear waves are physically interpreted basing on the law of energy conservation. An algorithm reducing the governing nonlinear partial differential equations to their normal form is considered. The occurrence of resonance at the expense of nonlinear multi-wave coupling is discussed.
The principles of nonlinear multi-mode coupling were first recognized almost two century ago for various mechanical systems due to experimental and theoretical works of Faraday (1831), Melde (1859) and Lord Rayleigh (1883, 1887). Before First World War similar ideas developed in radio-telephone devices. After Second World War many novel technical applications appeared, including high-frequency electronic devices, nonlinear optics, acoustics, oceanology and plasma physics, etc. For instance, see [1] and also references therein. A nice historical sketch to this topic can be found in the review [2]. In this paper we try to trace relationships between the resonance and the dynamical stability of elastic structures.
Evolution equations
Consider a natural quasi-linear mechanical system with distributed parameters. Let motion be described by the following partial differential equations
where denotes the complex-dimensional vector of a solution; and are the linear differential operator matrices characterizing the inertia and the stuffiness, respectively; is the-dimensional vector of a weak nonlinearity, since a parameter is small; stands for the spatial differential operator. Any time the sought variables of this system are referred to the spatial Lagrangian coordinates.
Assume that the motion is defined by the Lagrangian. Suppose that at the degenerated Lagrangian produces the linearized equations of motion. So, any linear field solution is represented as a superposition of normal harmonics:
Here denotes a complex vector of wave amplitudes; are the fast rotating wave phases; stands for the complex conjugate of the preceding terms. The natural frequencies and the corresponding wave vectors are coupled by the dispersion relation. At small values ​​of, a solution to the nonlinear equations would be formally defined as above, unless spatial and temporal variations of wave amplitudes. Physically, the spectral description in terms of new coordinates, instead of the field variables, is emphasized by the appearance of new spatio-temporal scales associated both with fast motions and slowly evolving dynamical processes.