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Реферат Analysis of Control System and Synthesis of Real Compensator

Analysis of Control System and Synthesis of Real Compensator

The standard task

Variant 18

Topic: of Control System and Synthesis of Real Compensator.: transfer functions (table 1, 2, 3) and structure diagram (fig. 1, 2, 3) are given. It is necessary to. Analyze uncompensated system:

) calculate the transfer function of the whole uncompensated system :) without MATLAB ;) using MATLAB;

) define zeros and poles of obtained transfer function;

) plot the time responses for obtained transfer function; the responses should be produced in two different windows of one figure graphic object using command subplot ;

) determine settling time and overshoot of the uncompensated system;

) check whether the system is stable or not using Hurwitz criterion;

) check whether the system is stable or not using Nyquist criterion;

) if system is stable, determine the stability margins using Bode diagram;

) do the conversion from the transfer functions to state space;

) calculate the eigenvalues ​​of the uncompensated system;

10) calculate-norm of the uncompensated system .. Synthesize the real PD-compensator () which would guarantee desired phase margin at gain crossover frequency:

) calculate the phase shift of compensator at given frequency;

) determine the gain of proportional part of compensator;

) determine the gain of differential part of compensator;

) plot Bode diagram of the PD-compensator .. Analyze compensated system:

) build in Simulink the compensated system;

) determine settling time and overshoot of the compensated system using transient process received in Simulink;

) calculate the transfer function of the whole compensated system;

) plot the step response for uncompensated and compensated system; the responses should be produced in one window of figure graphic object using command hold on ;

) check whether the system is stable or not using sufficient condition of stability;

) if system is stable, determine the stability margins using Bode diagram;

) do the conversion from the transfer functions to state space;

) calculate the eigenvalues ​​of the compensated system;

) calculate-norm of the compensated system;

) do the conclusions.


This term paper represents the analysis of control system and synthesis of real compensator. So here we will examine the uncompensated and compensate...

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