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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые обзорные » Вдосконалення системи менеджменту ПІДПРИЄМСТВА

Реферат Вдосконалення системи менеджменту ПІДПРИЄМСТВА


1. Concept, aim, term and legal basis of extraordinary

2. Terms and causes of emergency

3. Action formations at carrying emergency measure and ensure public order in emergency situations

4. Planning civil defense measures in the tax militia units

5. Legal measures the state of emergency that introduced emergency conditions



announcement emergency public order

- an exceptional situation when threatened is "life of the nation." The state of emergency must be officially proclaimed state. The danger of the "life of the nation" can provide foreign military occupation, social unrest, such as riots or other internal differences that seriously threaten law and order in the country.1945, the concept of "state of emergency" replaced the phrase "state of war" and "siege situation." The state of emergency - a concept that is of limited value. For example, it does not cover natural disasters, which often serve to justify the suspension of the implementation of the state of human rights. Measures that State Party may begin to reduce some of its obligations under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, must meet three conditions:

they should be "event caused by extreme necessity of the situation."

they must not "conflict with other obligations of the state to international law."

They should not cause discrimination solely on the basis of race, color, sex, language, religion or social origin.

. Concept, aim, term and legal basis state of emergency

state of emergency - a special legal regime can be introduced temporarily in Ukraine or in its particular areas in emergency situations of technogenic and natural character is below the national level that have led or may lead to human and material losses, endangering the lives and health of citizens, or when trying to capture state power or change the constitutional order by force and Ukraine provides the concerned authorities, military commanders and local authorities under this Act the powers necessary to prevent danger, security and public health , proper functioning national economy, state and local governments, the protection of the constitutional system, but also allows the temporary threat-induced restriction of the exercise of constitutional rights and freedoms of man and citizen, and the rights and legitimate interests of legal persons of the period of validity of these restrictions.purpose of emergency is to eliminate the threat and fastest elimination particularly serious technogenic emergencies or natural origin, normalcy, restore law and order when trying to capture state power or change the constitutional order by force, to restore constitutional rights and liber...

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