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Реферат Migration in Kazakhstan. 20 Years of Independence

American University of Central Asia

Migration in Kazakhstan

Years of Independence

: Ernistof Kairat: Konstants L. A.

Bishkek 2012


IntroductionMigration in Kazakhstanin Kazakhstan during 1991-2004in Kazakhstan during 2004-2010Migration in Kazakhstan12


always was one of the most important sources of population for individual countries and continents, it has a significant impact on labor supply in labor markets, changing the ethnic and sex and age structure of population of some states, and it is closely related to flows of capital and entrepreneurs.Human Capital Theory explains the reasons of migration to make analysis of worker mobility more predictable. So, it predicts that migration will flow from poor area to the areas where opportunities and earnings are better. Moreover it says that migration is higher among young and better-educated people. Also The Human Capital Theory clearly predicts that as costs of migration rises, the flow migrants will decrease. Here I list the most important predictions of the theory which I use to explain Kazakhstan s migration flows.is the 9th largest country in the world with population about 16 million. For Kazakhstan pay a lot of attention to migration in recent times because it has very big demographic problem. Since independence of Kazakhstan there started new migration dynamics. As we know migration could be divided into external and internal. Kazakhstan s external migration for the period of independence could be considered in two stages: first is outflow after collapse of USSR for the period 1991-2004 and second inflow of ethnic Kazakhs for the period 2004-2010. Compare to external migration internal migration in Kazakhstan was stable. From 1991 till 2010 internal migration didn t exceed more than 450000 people per year.this paper it is analyzed the external and internal migration in Kazakhstan for the period of 1991-2010. It was found that the human capital theory was proved by the statistics from Agency of Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Migration in Kazakhstan as in the theory is determined by economic factors,? Rst of all income: people are more likely to leave regions where incomes are low and more likely to move to regions with a higher income level. Furthermore, mobility is larger between more populated regions. Distance has a strong negative impact on migration, indicating high migration related costs and risks.rest part of paper is structured as follow: Section 2 describes external migration in Kazakhstan. Section 3 pr...

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