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Реферат What strategy are most effective in the conditions of globalization

Theme: What strategy are most effective in the conditions of globalization

В В 

The plan


1. New game rules

2. Integration processes

3. Virtual life of the real company

4. The contractor sounds is proud

5. Heroes of local scale



Every day the world economy becomes more and more global. This tendency hasn't avoided also Ukraine. Many domestic companies have already felt on themselves negative consequences of this process: the competition amplifies, risks become more various including from the point of view of consequences, requirements to skills and knowledge of the personnel constantly grow. However to consider the international character of a business activity it would be exclusive through a prism of negative events incorrectly. New conditions of business dealing is first of all new possibilities. To use them to the full, effective strategy of development is necessary to the companies. p> Стратегія (other-grech. ПѓП„ПЃО±П„О·ОіОЇО± - В«art of the commanderВ») - The general, not detailed plan of any activity covering the long period of time, a method of achievement of the difficult purpose.

In general understanding Strategy is a hierarchy of the purposes, which consecutive achievement, since bottom levels, leads to goal achievement of the uppermost level. To be the strategist - means to be able to build such hierarchy which with the minimum costs of resources (time, forces, money and so forth) will lead to goal achievement (or the purposes) top level.

Strategy as a method of actions becomes necessary in a situation, when for direct achievement of a main objective not enough cash resources. A strategy task is the effective utilization of cash resources for main objective achievement. Tactics is the tool of strategy implementation and is subordinated a strategy main objective. Strategy reaches a main objective through the decision of intermediate tactical tasks on an axis "resources-purposes".

Globalization - Process of the world economic, political and cultural integration and unification. The basic consequence of it is world job specialization, migration (And, as a rule, concentration) in scales of all planet of the capital, human and production resources, standardization of the legislation, economic and engineering procedures, and also rapprochement and merge of cultures of the different countries. It is objective process which has system character, that is covers all spheres of life of a society. As a result of globalization the world becomes more connected and more dependent on all its subjects. There is as increase in quantity of general for groups of the states of problems, and an expansion of number and types of integrated subjects [1].

Economy globalization - one of laws of world development. Interdependence which has immeasurably increased in comparison with integration of economy of the various countries. It is connected with forming of economic space where branch structure, information interchange and technologies, geography of placing of productive forces are determined taking into account a world conjuncture, and economic elevatings and recessions acquire planetary scales.

Growing globalization of economy is expressed in sharp increase in scales and rates of moving of the capitals, advancing growth of international trade in comparison with gross national product growth, origin of world financial markets round the clock working in real time. The information systems created for last decades immeasurably have strengthened capability of a financial capital to fast moving that comprises, at least potentially, capability to destruction of steady economic systems.

Economy globalization - difficult and inconsistent process. On the one hand, it facilitates economic interaction between the states, creates conditions for access of the countries to the advanced achievements of mankind, provides economy of resources, stimulates world progress. With another, globalization bears negative consequences: fastening of peripheral model of economy, loss of the resources by the countries which are not entering in В«gold billionВ», small-scale business ruin, distribution on the weak countries of globalization of a competition, decrease in a level of living, etc. to Make globalization fruits accessible to the maximum number of the countries - one of the tasks facing the world community. Arising tasks of economy, often, are discussed by influential politicians and economists together

1. New game rules

Economy globalization is accompanied by variety of changes. We will consider most appreciable of them. p> The strengthened fragmentation of a price chain. In the conditions of globalization specialization of each link of a price chain to that p...

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