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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » Characteristics of special self-defense tactics and their application

Реферат Characteristics of special self-defense tactics and their application


Introduction 1. The concept of special tools and equipment 2. Classification of special self-defense

.1 Active defense

.2 Personal protection 3. Legal basis using special tools and equipment in the exercise of self-defense of references


my chosen course work "Characteristics of special self-defense tactics and their application." and technical progress present carries both positive and negative changes. Developing and improving the knowledge and the technical means by which committed the offense, and therefore developing and improving knowledge and technical means for their prevention and elimination. , The problem of ensuring the safety of citizens, police officers and public safety appears quite relevant, among other issues of life. equipment - a collection of hardware, special devices, materials and related tactics used in strict compliance with law in the course of operational performance measures for the prevention and detection of crimes, public order and protection of individual institutions. protective equipment - a combination of hardware, special devices, materials and related tactics used in strict compliance with the law during the implementation of measures to ensure personal protection, preservation of their health and life. goal of my work is to investigate and clarify the meaning of the special security equipment for police officer, classify and describe the types of possible remedies that are used for self-defense. p align="justify"> Chapter 1. The concept of special tools and equipment

equipment - a collection of hardware, special devices, materials and related tactics used in strict compliance with law in the course of operational performance measures for the prevention and detection of crimes, public order and protection of individual institutions . of technical means in the work of the Interior has the following trends:

. I get ready made and taken into service hardware that fit the law enforcement agencies for tactical and technical characteristics. of such tools include certain motor vehicles, standard equipment wired and wireless communication, opto-mechanical devices monitoring, measuring instruments, photographic and video equipment, computer and other equipment. p align="justify">. Technical means are purchased in finished form, structurally modified or supplemented in order to adapt them to specific tasks and conditions of Internal Affairs. example, avtomotozasoby, equipped with radios, means strengthening language means masking and remote control for different cameras and camcorders, personal computers, on which created workstations for staff operational and investigative units ATS. p align="justify">. Development and production of hardware made specifical...

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