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Реферат Actions of the Department for Combating Corruption and Security



. General characteristics of the personal security of employees ODPS. p>. Basics and operations units to combat corruption in the tax service of Ukraine. p>. Personal safety of the tax police. Concept, content, principles. br/>

of the employees of the State Tax Service of Ukraine sury, tax police units inextricably linked to professional risk com - possible danger. For the last professional risk in general rose mine is nothing like the uncertainty of results (consequences) perform particular and complex operations, including operational and preventive character, and all the other measures taken by the employees of the tax police units DPS Ukraine yiny according to provided by this law office and his destination when performing operational, criminal procedure and security functions and tasks.profession tax no doubt.is confirmed by the practice of employees of DPS and the study. Danger accompanies employees of DPS, sub ing tax police as duty and beyond. A large number of such cases is directly related to professional tax. br/>

. General description of the personal security of employees ODPS

the personal safety of employees is an integral minimize tion of occupational risk. As you know, personal safety is ensured by a set of basic (direct) and secondary (interim) measures. Referring to minimize occupational hazards tax, ie measures to reduce its level, we distinguish among them organizational and legal related Preserve administrative buildings and premises of DPS, tax police units, improve the reliability of which positively reflected on providing idbyvayetsya and ensuring personal safety employees, agents security activity: tax police departments, private security their structures, units of other departments.the Volyn region, for example, February 8, 2000 at 17 hours 10 minutes at the DPI in Lyubomylskomu area exploded under private car "Audi-80" , which belonged to the head of the tax police of DPI, causing the car suffered significant damage, was also damaged car "Folksfagen-Golf", who was next to him and blew out windows in several windows dminbudynku State Tax Inspectorate, September 29 , 2000 at 12 hours and 40 minutes during the performance of duty daily attire duty of VPM Konotop LIGHTS Sumy region assistant on duty was arrested attacker while trying to smuggle into the room LIGHTS adjustment as handle loaded for firing gas cartridges, November 16, 2000 at 5:00 20 minutes in Sambor Lviv oblast unknown entered the room Sambir LIGHTS and threatened with a knife guard, broke door locks in several official rymischennyah whence took the money in the amount of UAH 200 keyboard and monitor to the computer, and then disappeared. Unfortunately, the list of these events can continue. And rightly so minimization of occupational risk tax (Latin minimus - least bring something to the smallest size), to ensure thei...

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