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Реферат The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation

Міністерство Науки та Освіти Республіки Казахстан


Тема: The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation

Organisation of Islamic Cooperation

Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC; Arabic: ãäÙãÉ ÇáÊÚÇæä ÇáÇÓáÇãíý ; French: Organisation de la Coopération Islamique (OCI)). The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) (formerly Organization of the Islamic Conference) is the second largest inter-governmental organization after the United Nations which has membership of 57 states spread over four continents .. The organisation attempts to be the collective voice of the Muslim world (Ummah) and attempts to safeguard the interests and ensure the progress and well-being of Muslims.

and goals

the 19th century, some Muslims had aspired to ummah to serve their common political, economic, and social interests. The collapse of the Ottoman Empire and the Caliphate after World War I left a vacuum for a pan-Islamic institution. Losing the Six-Day War in 1967 provided the incentive needed. Leaders of Muslim nations met in Rabat to establish the OIC on 25 September 1969.to its charter, the OIC aims to preserve Islamic social and economic values; promote solidarity amongst member states; increase cooperation in social, economic, cultural, scientific, and political areas; uphold international peace and security; and advance education, particularly in the fields of science and technology.flag of the OIC (shown above) has an overall green background (symbolic of Islam). In the centre, there is an upward-facing red crescent enveloped in a white disc. On the disc the words "Allahu Akbar" (Arabic for "God is Great") are written in Arabic calligraphy.5 August 1990, 45 foreign ministers of the OIC adopted the Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam to serve as a guidance for the member states in the matters of human rights in as much as they are compatible with the Sharia, or Quranic Law.24 February 2009, the International Zakat Organization, in cooperation with the Organisation of the Islamic Conferences, announced the selection of the BMB Group to head up the management of the Global Zakat and Charity Fund, with its CEO Rayo Withanage becoming the co-chairman of the zakat fund. The fund is expected to contain 2 billion ringgits in 2010, about US $ 650 million.changed its name on 28 June 2011 from the Organisation of the Islamic Conference (Arabic: ãäÙãÉ Г...

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