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Реферат Offshore drilling and producing technology of total company

Kazakh-British Technical University

Faculty of oil and gas industry

Offshore drilling and producing technology of total company

Prepared by: student of 4 th courseby: Professor

, 2013


importance of the Offshore Province in supplying a significant part of today «s energy needs and an increasingly significant part of tomorrow» s needs is unquestioned. The greatest uncertainty, however, is just how much of our future supply will come from the offshore areas and, from a total national viewpoint, what is the best way to develop and utilize the potential when balanced against all other alternatives. The evolution, present status and near term status of offshore drilling and production technology is reviewed and summarized. The application of this technology to the development of the petroleum potential of the continental margins (0 to 2500 meters) of the USA is discussed and illustrated. Some effects of hopefully accelerated offshore leasing are examined.course project includes 28 Figures, 2 patents, 5 articles.


. New ways to monitor offshore environments

. Subsea intervention system for arctic and harsh weather

. Subsea Technologies for Tomorrow

. Improving Deepwater Recovery

. Improving Performance on Tomorrows Mature Fields


purpose of this paper is to help provide the answers to at least a part of these questions by summarizing quantitatively the industry «s existing capability to provide offshore drilling and producing systems. I n doing so it will be instructive to show the evolution of the various segments of offshore drilling and producing technology and to show how we got to where we are today.attempting to quantify the tremendous efforts, either in terms of manpower or dollars, I will show where technology stands as of today and where it will very likely be in the next four or five years more or less under existing momentum. I will also discuss how this technology is related to the total potential of the continental margins of the USA The development of future technology will depend a great deal on the consistent progressive application of today »s technology as well as the overall assessment of the rewards and benefits to be achieved by advancing the technology. Remember that technology is not only the acquisition and possession of scientific knowledge but more than that, it is the application of scientific knowledge. Let me bring t h i s point home. I am not aware of any field of scientific endeavor which has even possessed or purported to possess the «final» answer to a particular problem before attempting a solution. There have always been uncertainties and there always will be; but, the uncertainties diminish by orders of magnitude as soon as someone accomplishes the «feat». Then everyone jumps on the bandwagon and says,

«I knew it could be done!» and Gentlemen, the Petroleum Industry, and more particularly the offshore segment ...

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