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Реферат Sovereign Wealth Fund &Samruk-Kazyna& JSC


Wealth Fund Samruk-Kazyna JSC was established on November 3, 2008 in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 13, 2008. The Fund was organized to increase management s efficiency and to optimize organizational structures in the entities in order to successfully achieve their strategic objectives set in the respective Government programs. Today, Samruk-Kazyna JSC plays a significant role in sustainable development of Kazakhstan s economy. For instance, during the world economic crisis, the Government by Decree No. 1 085 dated November 25, 2008 approved a Joint Action Plan of the Government, the National Bank, the Agency on the Regulation and Supervision of Financial Market and Financial Organizations of Republic of Kazakhstan on stabilization of the economy and financial system for 2009-2010 (Stabilization Plan). The Fund I was the principal operator for the Government in implementation of this Stabilization Plan.area of ??Fund s work is very broad that is why it is organized into organizational business units based on their products and services, and has seven reportable operating segments: and Gas segmentsegment segment segmentand industrial segmentand Innovation Institutions segmentof Corporate center and projectsmy practice from 8th of July till 1st of August in +2014 I was working in energy segment that includes operations related to production and distribution of electricity, the function of oversight over the input of electricity into the energy system and consumption of imported electricity, the function of centralized operation and dispatch of facilities in the Unified Electricity System of Kazakhstan.report is a short description of my four weeks training practice carried out as compulsory component of the Bachelor s degree program in economics. The purpose of this report is to present the knowledge gained on the activities of the organization (directorate where I worked), a brief analysis of performed work acquired practical skills as well as organize, consolidate and expand the theoretical knowledge.was mainly working with the documentation during first days in Mining and power assets directorate. My first task was to learn how electronic document management system (EDMS) works. So, I tried to find necessary document by its number, identify who is executor of a document and check electronic signatures. Also I have analyzed company s interim condensed consolidated financial statements for +2012 and 2013. One more task was to understand the process of registration of legal entity (JSC) and control all stages of the procedure. and economic characteristics of SWF Samruk-Kazyna Wealth Fund «Samruk-Kazyna» JSC was established in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 13, 2008, № 669 On some measures to ensure the competitiveness and sustainability of the national economy raquo ;. The Fund is established in order to enhance competitiveness and sustainability of national economy and prevent any potential negative impact of changes in the world markets on economic growth of the country. The key purpose of Samruk-Kazyna is to manage shares (interests) of national development institutions, national companies, and other legal entities it owns to maximize their long-term value and competitiveness in the world markets. All of the Fund s shares are owned by the State.and operating performance of the Fund is based on economic independence. The company is funded by registered capital, income generated by dividends from the national development institutions, national companies and other legal persons, stakes (interests) are owned by the Fund on the basis of ownership or trust, and other income that is not prohibited by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Fund has its own balance, bank account, seal that indicates the full name in Kazakh and Russian languages.fund can have its trademark and other symbols, examples of which are approved by the Board of the Fund and are recorded in the prescribed manner, as well as stamps in the languages ??of the Republic of Kazakhstan legislation on languages, letterhead and other props.mission of the Fund is to increase national wealth of the Republic of Kazakhstan by increasing long-term value of organizations and effective management of the assets of the group of the Fund.Fund s vision by дві тисячі двадцять дві is a strategic holding that unites companies reached the best world practices, and which is a leading catalyst for the development of non-oil and gas companies and a foundation to maintain the stable functioning of the country s economy. That is why the company operates in three strategic areas in order to achieve its vision and mission: Enhancing the long-term value of companies; Participation in diversification and modernization of the national economy; Social responsibi...

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