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Реферат Trends and challenges in management relating to organizational behavior

specific, verbatim statements and specific, observable behaviors displayed by the person receiving feedback;

. Focus on changeable behaviors, as opposed to intrinsic or personality-based attributes;

. Plan and organize for the session ahead of time;

. Begin coaching and counseling sessions with something positive. br/>

. Discuss the 4 theoretical approaches to stress

Stress is the unconscious preparation to fight or flee that a person experiences when faced with any demand.approaches to stress:

1. The homeostatic/medical approach: Walter B. Canon; stress resulted when an external environmental demand upset the person s natural steady-state balance Homeostasis - a steady state of bodily functioning and equilibrium.

2. The cognitive appraisal approach: Richard Lazarus; stress as a result of person - environment interaction; individual differ in their appraisal of events and people.

3. The person-environment fit approach: Robert Kahn; confusing and conflicting expectations of a person in a social role create stress for the person.

4. The psychoanalytic approach: Harry Levinson; two elements of the personality interact to cause stress.ideal - the embodiment of a person s perfect selfimage - how a person sees himself or herself, both positively and negatively

24. Discuss primary, secondary and tertiary preventive stress management (+ таблиця в зошиті)

Preventive stress management - an organizational philosophy that holds that people and organizations should take joint responsibility for promoting health and preventing distress and strain.

Primary prevention - the stage in PSM designed to reduce, modify or eliminate the demand or stressor causing stress.

Secondary prevention - the stage in PSM designed to alter of modify the individual s or the organization s response to a demand or stressor.

Tertiary prevention - the stage in PSM designed to heal individual or organizational symptoms of distress and strain.

. Explain the psychophysiology of the stress response

happens the activation of the sympathetic nervous system and the endocrine system. These t...

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