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Реферат The Russian transition to a market system

ade balance of Russia and the possibility to import technology and capital. The answer to this challenge necessitates the competitiveness of the Russian economy, the capacity for renewal and innovation investment.second challenge - the expected new wave of technological change that dramatically magnifies the role of innovation in socio-economic development and devalues ​​many of the traditional factors of growth.the next decade, developed countries will move to form a new technological basis of economic systems based on the use of the latest achievements in biotechnology, informatics and nanotechnology, including health care and other areas of human development.Russia, the availability of research capacity and high-tech production creates the conditions for the benefits associated with the proliferation of new technologies 12 :

Providing technological leadership in a number of critical areas;

Formation of complex high-tech industries and expanding position in the global markets of high technology products;

Upgrading of traditional industries Including through the deployment of a globally-oriented specialized production.the same time, the lag in developing new technologies of the last generation can dramatically reduce the global competitiveness of the Russian economy and throw it on the periphery of world development.third challenge - the increasing role of human capital as a key factor in economic development.of competitiveness of a modern innovation-based economy increasingly depends on the quality of professional staff, their level of socialization and cooperation. Russia will not be able to maintain its competitive position in the global economy due to cheap labor and the economy on the development of education and health. Russia's response to this challenge involves overcoming the current negative trends in human development, which requires 13 :

Stabilization of the Russian population and employment in the economy through the effective management of migration and changing lifestyles, improving the nation's health and level of social optimism;

Well-functioning industry that determine the quality of human capital (education, health, Housing) high standards of living;

Transformation of the middle class of Russian society in its dominant force, the reduction of social inequalities;

to achieve the level of developed countries in terms of labor productivity, which will be determined not so much the "assets-out" period of industrial development How many levels of education and creativity of the person; fourth challenge, generated mainly by internal, rather than global factors - it is the exhaustion of sources of export-commodity developme...

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