Теми рефератів
> Реферати > Курсові роботи > Звіти з практики > Курсові проекти > Питання та відповіді > Ессе > Доклади > Учбові матеріали > Контрольні роботи > Методички > Лекції > Твори > Підручники > Статті Контакти
Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые проекты » Гра &Балда& з підтримкою роботи по мережі

Реферат Гра &Балда& з підтримкою роботи по мережі

th)? path:" " + path;


void DeleteFile (string fileName)

{(! _ userRights.CanCreate ()) new FileSystemAccessDeniedException ();

filePath=Path.Combine (CheckAndGetCurrentDirectory (), fileName.TrimStart (new [] { laquo ;, /})); (! File.Exists (filePath)) new FileSystemAccessDeniedException ();

{. Delete (filePath);

} (IOException ex)

{new FileSystemException (ex.Message.Replace (_rootDirectory, ));



void RenameFile (string fileName, string newFileName)

{(! _ userRights.CanCreate ()) new FileSystemAccessDeniedException ();

oldFilePath=Path.Combine (CheckAndGetCurrentDirectory (), fileName.TrimStart (new [] { laquo ;, /})); (! File.Exists (oldFilePath)) new FileSystemAccessDeniedException ();

newFilePath=Path.Combine (CheckAndGetCurrentDirectory (), newFileName.TrimStart (new [] { laquo ;, /})); (File.Exists (newFilePath)) new FileSystemException (string.Format ( File " {0} " already exists raquo ;, newFileName));

{. Move (oldFilePath, newFilePath);

} (IOException ex)

{new FileSystemException (ex.Message.Replace (_rootDirectory, ));



string BeginWriteFile (string fileName, bool newNameIfExists=false)

{(_ savingFile!=null) new Exception ( Previous file not saved );

(! _ userRights.CanUpload ()) new FileSystemAccessDeniedException ();

filePath=Path.Combine (CheckAndGetCurrentDirectory (), fileName.TrimStart (new [] { laquo ;, /})); (File.Exists (filePath) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (fileName))

{(! newNameIfExists) new FileSystemAccessDeniedException ();

=Guid.NewGuid (). ToString (). Substring (0, 8);=Path.Combine (CheckAndGetCurrentDirectory (), fileName.TrimStart (new [] { laquo ;, raquo ;/}));


_ savingFile=new FileStream (filePath, FileMode.CreateNew, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None, BufferSize, .SequentialScan);



void WriteData (byte [] data, int size)

{(_ savingFile == null ||! _savingFile.CanWrite) new Exception ( File not accessible to write );

_ savingFile.Write (data, 0, size);


void EndWriteFile ()

{(_ savingFile == null) new Exception ( File not opened );

_ savingFile.Close ();

_ savingFile=null;


void BeginReadFile (string fileName)

{(_ readingFile!=null) new Exception ( Previous file not closed );

(! _ userRights.CanDownload ()) new FileSystemAccessDeniedException ();

filePath=Path.Combine (CheckAndGetCurrentDirectory (), fileName.TrimStart (new [] { laquo ;, /})); (! File.Exists (filePath)) new FileSystemAccessDeniedException ();

_ readingFile=new FileStream (filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read, BufferSize, .SequentialScan);


int ReadData (byte [] buffer, int size)

{(_ readingFile == null ||! _readingFile.CanRead) new Exception ( File not accessible to read );

_ readingFile.Read (buffer, 0, size);

} void EndReadFile ()

{(_ readingFile == null) new Exception ( File not opened );

_ readingFile.Close ();

_ readingFile=null;


bool FileExists (string fileName)

{File.Exists (Path.Combine (CheckAndGetCurrentDirectory (), fileName.TrimStart (new [] { laquo ;, /})));


bool CanRenameFile ()

{_ userRights.CanCreate ();


bool CanUploadFile ()

{_ userRights.CanUpload ();


bool CanDownloadFile ()

{_ userRights.CanDownload ();

} DateTime GetFileModifiedDate (string fileName)

{(! _ userRights.CanDownload ()) new FileSystemAccessDeniedException ();


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