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Реферат History of Great Britain

f Britain's nuclear and conventional forces are committed to NATO and about 95% of defence expenditure to meeting its NATO responsibilities. In recognition of the changed European security situation, Britain's armed forces are being restructured in consultation with other NATO allies.

Under these plans, the strength of the armed forces is being cut by 22%, leaving by the mid-1990s some 119,000 in the Army, 70,000 in the RAF and 52,500 in the Royal Navy and the Royal Marines. This involves reductions in main equipment of:

В· three Tornado GR1 squadrons, four Phantom squadrons, two Buccaneer squadrons and part of a squadron of Nimrod maritime patrol aircraft;

В· 12 submarines, nine destroyers and frigates and 13 mine

В· countermeasures ships; and

В· 327 main battle tanks.

Civilian staff employed by the Ministry of Defence will be reduced from 169,100 in 1991 to 135,000. p> As a member of NATO, Britain fully supports the Alliance's current strategic concept, under which its tasks are to:

В· help to provide a stable security environment, in which no country is able to intimidate or dominate any European country through the threat or use of force;

В· serve as a transatlantic forum for Allied consultations affecting member states 'vital interests; deter from aggression and defend member states against military attack; and

В· preserve the strategic balance within Europe. br/>

8. The Two Lessons

This section of the paper is dedicated to the development of two lessons for the "Regional Geography of Great Britain" course to be taught in schools. The chosen topics are "Customs and Traditions of Great Britain "and" American English ". p> Both lessons are intended for 45-50 minutes duration and are of so-called "combined" type, according to the generally accepted terminology in Russia. The principal scheme of such a lesson can be represented in the following way:

1) Lesson organization (2-3 minutes)

2) Review of the previous studies (5-7 minutes)

3) New studies (approx. 15-20 minutes)

4) Systematization of the new knowledge and training for it's application in practice (15 -

20 minutes)

5) Homework (1-2 minutes)

Lesson organization and review of previous studies are not thoroughly considered here since they depend upon the composition and structure of the whole course, and their development would require knowledge of the previous and the following lessons. We concentrate our attention on the "New studies" and "Systematization of the new knowledge and training for it's application in practice ". The main goal of both lessons is to introduce new information and expand student's vocabulary by learning some specific words and expressions related to the considered topics.

8.1. "Customs and Traditions of Great Britain"

The studies of the customs and traditions of Great Britain here are supposed to be carried out in calendar order, which means that introduction of customs and traditions should begin with winter events and go on throughout the whole year, from December until November. br/>

Lesson topic: "Customs and Traditions of Great Britain"

Lesson goal: general study of the British customs and traditions

Lesson structure:

1) Lesson organization (2-3 minutes)

2) Particular review of the previous studies (4-5 minutes)

(We accept) that the previous lesson was dealt with the civic customs of GB. br/>

A student reports a result of his work done on the material of the previous topic that was studied in class. He/she is supposed to talk fluently by memory and speak about one-two civic customs that he'she founds to be remarkable. The report is followed by a brief discussion (3-4 minutes) Approximate variant of the report is as follows:

"Some historical and colorful customs belong essentially to a particular town or community because they sprang, originally, from some part of the local history, or from some deep-seated local tradition. No doubt, such customs, along with various religious customs and traditions, attached to certain calendar dated, constitute the soul of British social culture and are of great interest for a researcher. p> At Lichfield, a festival commonly called the Greenhill Bower and Court of Array takes place annually in late May or June. This is really two customs, of which the first - the Bower - is said to run back to the time of King Oswy of Northumbria, who founded Lichfield in A.D. 656. In the Middle Ages, the city guilds used to meet at Greenhill, carrying flower garlands and emblems of their trades. Now the Bower ceremonies have become a sort of carnival, wherein lorries carrying tableaux, trade floats, decorated carts, and bands pass cheerfully thr...

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