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Реферат Lexical unit

more bear-like [1, 6].

В· for denotation of parts of body: As you can see here, the my electric arm is made of plastics and covered with a handlike glove [1, 6].

В· for denotation of mythic creature: A Belch Huggins chuckle was a low, troll-like sound (S. King). The yellow storm light lay on their skins, making their faces seem ghost-like, distant, shadowy [1, 6].

В· for denotation of different conditions of a person: Things stood out in a kind of dreamlike steely relief. She sat in a chair, in a trance-like state, her mind going over and over the moment at the telephone [1, 6].

В· for denotation of natural phenomenon: What stopped him was a realization, almost too lightninglike to be concious [1, 6].

В· for denotation of artifacts: It extended quite quickly, in a telescope-like motion, smaller extensions being born out of larger ones, and fast enough so that it stayed ahead of him as he ran [1, 6].


a simple sentence there are two lexical-semantic variants in the word like - comparative and contrast. The word like in the sense of refinement doesn't have synonymous parallels with comparative-contrastive like.the constructions the word like isn't independent part of the sentence. All structures like + X function as secondary part of the sentence: attributive or adverbial contest, and also is a nominal part of the predicate.contrastive like is characterized by intersection of four parts of speech: preposition, adjective, adverb and conjunction.prepositions the word like draws the possibility of combining with nouns, adjectives, pronouns, gerunds, numerals. There is also presence of case valence and duplex syntactic relations which are mostly in binomial word combinations which are formed according to the model В«pivotal word + like + dependent wordВ». Word like together with the input construction like prepositional phrase is characterized by the mobility of positions in the sentence. These prepositional phrases and constructions with the word like can have predicative, attributive and adverbial characteristics., The possibility of the word like to form the word form unlike and the combination much (more, less) + like doesn't allow to attribute it to preposition.adjectives the word like draw the presence of prefix in the structure of the word and also the possibility to form the degree of comparison., the word like is characterized by the right distribution which is not typical for adjectives.combinations Adj + N the article is used before the adjective, but in the combination like + N the article is used before the noun but not before like.adverbs the word ...

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