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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые обзорные » Safety professional employees tax police in applying means of administration

Реферат Safety professional employees tax police in applying means of administration

> as a part of the former great nation gained its independence unexpectedly and, as it turned out, was not ready for self-development. Evidence of this lack, at that time, the relevant government institutions, national idea of ​​the state, a full cycle in the production of his own money, banks, an appropriate legal framework ... In addition inherited political and legal dictates., The Ukrainian society, the state itself are in a state of transition from administrative-command system that is inherent totalitarian regime to a socially oriented market economy democratic state. But this transition is under negative pressure of internal and external factors:

Fighting heteropolar political forces;

Conflict of legislative and executive branches of government;

The judicial system needs reform;

A complex criminal situation (which is only getting worse), growth of organized crime, corruption and theft of state property, serious crimes in budget, finance;

Criminal privatization of national property, moved for a pittance;

Imperfect legislation.a result, the impact of the above factors in a society in which its citizens feel insecure, cheated, without payment of their labor, without social assistance in accordance minimum, extremely poor and increasing social tensions - the energy of despair.seems that there is a category of people who are interested in such a state of society, which used them to purchase one - political and other - criminal capital.state of society is the source of riots and social conflicts , which creates conditions for bloody violence, carries a great danger for the Ukrainian people, the Ukrainian statehood.necessity of the introduction of comprehensive measures for the protection of public order, which will not solve social problems from a position of strength.existing special tools used in stopping illegal acts should be divided into special funds and special administrative remedies criminal suspension, which will develop procedural rules on the application of physical restraint, special vehicles, firearms since the existing legal norms have mostly material nature and not reflect the features of a species of special tools.rules of law should have not dispositive, but imperative, that you need a clear procedure for the use of force, the lack of which today leads to a violation of police legitimacy. This confirms the legal analysis of the law that we consider:

Hypothesis should not be abstract and (tie implementation of legal norms arising, modify or terminate the relationship with certain strictly defined cases "incident");

Disposition must have at empowering and binding (for business use of force), and the rules that include prohibiting certain actions by citizens in situations that precede the use of force, the disposition must...

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