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Реферат Museums and Art Collections in the USA

quo;p9«,»resizable=yes,width=225,height=295«)> exemplify the romantic style that was popular well into the 1860s. Although now better known for his genre scenes, Eastman Johnson accepted several portrait commissions, including The Brown Family <javascript:OpenBrWindow(»images/p10.htm«,»p10«,»resizable=yes,width=230,height=255«)>.the closing decades of the nineteenth century the art centers of Europe continued to attract American artists and wealthy patrons. Some American artists preferred to live abroad, where they had greater access to the great public art collections and to recent developments in contemporary art. Mary Cassatt <javascript:OpenBrWindow(»images/p11.htm«,»p11«,»resizable=yes,width=230,height=295«)> spent much of her long career in France, combining her interest in portraiture with the new style of impressionism. John Singer Sargent <javascript:OpenBrWindow(»images/p12.htm«,»p12«,»resizable=yes,width=230,height=295«)> became a very successful portraitist, both in Europe and America. His knack for capturing the quality of fleeting moments in time adds a layer of depth to what might otherwise be simply society portraits.the turn of the nineteenth century, realism was the dominant portrait style. Thomas Eakins was adept at conveying personality, portraying his subjects with unvarnished realism and penetrating psychological insight. In the 1876 portrait of his niece <javascript:OpenBrWindow(»images/p13.htm«,»p13«,»resizable=yes,width=215,height=270«)>, Ella, Eakins lends an air of serious deliberation to a subject that is often overly sentimentalized. Best known for her portraits of children, Lydia Field Emmet <javascript:OpenBrWindow(»images/p14.htm«,»p14«,»resizable=yes,width=230,height=285«)> incorporated characteristics of modernist techniques into her fundamentally traditional style. The resulting works are realistic portrayals that convey a sense of immediacy and the liveliness of her young subjects.the rise of abstraction in the twentieth century, experimentation with line, shape, and color changed artistic presentations of sitters. Arshile Gorky »s The Artist and His Mother <javascript:OpenBrWindow(«images/p15.htm»,«p15»,«resizable=yes,width=210,height=320»)> shows the influence of abstract modernist trends from Europe, including cubism and expressionism. Walt Kuhn «s Wisconsin <javascript:OpenBrWindow(»images/p16.htm«,»p16«,»resizable=yes,width=230,height=295«)>, painted during the Depression, is a portrait of an era more than an individual. In order to increase the expressive impact of the work, Kuhn created a representative portrait that could be any one of a number of people at a particular place in time. Similarly, artists in the 1960s employed images of widely recognizable figures from popular culture as compositional and expressive devices, producing icons of mass culture in the guise of portraits. Andy Warhol »s images of celebrities <ja...

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