Теми рефератів
> Реферати > Курсові роботи > Звіти з практики > Курсові проекти > Питання та відповіді > Ессе > Доклади > Учбові матеріали > Контрольні роботи > Методички > Лекції > Твори > Підручники > Статті Контакти
Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » Розробка сервера додатків

Реферат Розробка сервера додатків

align="justify"> * Time: 22:45


* @ author DoSOfRR

* / class ConsoleView implements ViewInterface {OutputStream os;

/ *

* Creates an console view.


* @ param os

* Specifies output stream that will be used to print messages.

* / ConsoleView (OutputStream os) {. os=os;

} ConsoleView () {

/ / System.out as default output stream .. os=System.out;


@ Overridevoid showDefault () throws IOException {. write («Welcome to server administration panel. n». getBytes ());. write (« nType "-help " to print help n ». getBytes ());


@ Overridevoid showHelp () throws IOException {. write (« nType "-start " to start server.». getBytes ());. write (« nType "-stop " to stop server.». getBytes ());. write (« nType "-restart " to restart server.». getBytes ());. write (« nType "-help " to get help.». getBytes ());


@ Overridevoid showMessage (String message) throws IOException {. write (message.getBytes ());


@ Overridevoid showAuthorize () throws IOException {new NotImplementedException ();


@ OverrideCommands readMessage (byte [] message) throws IOException {strmsg=new String (message); (strmsg) {«-start» : Return Commands.Start_Server; «-stop» : Return Commands.Stop_Server; «-help» : Return Commands.Help; «-restart» : Return Commands.Restart_Server;: return Commands.Undefined;




/ **

* Date: 07.03.13

* Time: 21:47


* @ author DoSOfRR

* /

/ *

* This interface realizes view for admin panel. With that interface you can specify

* your view without changing Commander controller.

* / interface ViewInterface { messages=new LinkedBlockingQueue <> ();

/ *

* This method is used to show initial interface and / or message.

* Here you can write some tips for users, or send HTML form, for example.

* / void showDefault () throws IOException;

/ *

* Show help, that can describe commands, params etc.

* / void showHelp () throws IOException;

/ *

* Show some message that server send to user.

* / void showMessage (String message) throws IOException;

/ *

* Show authorize form / message.

* / void showAuthorize () throws IOException;

/ *

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