if Result
and GetValueFromFile (t, s)
then f. special: = s
else Result: = False;
if Result and GetValueFromFile (t, s) and TryStrToDate (s, d) and CheckDate (d)
then f. Create: = d
else Result: = False;
if Result and GetValueFromFile (t, s) and TryStrToInt (s, num) and (num> = 0)
then f. blocks: = num
else Result: = False;
if Result and not Eof (t)
then Readln (t);
// переклад рядка в формат дати
function TryStrToDate (s: string; var d: TDate): Boolean;
var p: integer;
p: = pos ('.', s);: = p> 0;
if not (Result and TryStrToInt (Copy (s, 1, p-1), d. Day) and (d. day in [1.31]))
then Result: = False; (s, 1, p);: = pos ('.', s); span>
if not (Result and (p> 0) and TryStrToInt (Copy (s, 1,2), d. month) and (d. month in [1.12]))
then Result: = False; (s, 1, p);
if not (Result and ...