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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Учебные пособия » Іноземна мова. Сфера сервісу (англійська мова)

Реферат Іноземна мова. Сфера сервісу (англійська мова)

е на заняття вчасно? 18. О, я чудово проводжу час! (Дж. Даррелл) 19. Земля крутиться навколо сонця. 20. Хіггінс: Про що ж ми сперечаємося? (Б. Шоу) 8. Ask questions about the words underlined. p align="justify"> 1. All universities in England and Wales are state universities. p align="justify">. There are also a variety of other British higher institutions which offer higher education. p align="justify">. The third group consists of new universities founded after the Second World War. p align="justify">. Some universities, such as Oxford and Cambridge, have an entrance exam before the interview stage. p align="justify">. Higher education in England and Wales is highly selective. p align="justify"> 6. At the end of the third year of study undergraduates sit for their examinations and take the bachelor s degree.

7. The Fellows teach the students either one-to-one or in very small groups. p align="justify"> Exercise 9. Translate into English. p align="justify"> год. 22 хв. +18 Годину. 15 мін.15 годину. 38 хв. p align="justify"> 17 год. 00 мін.4 годину. 44 мін.1 годину. 45 хв. p align="justify"> годину. 15 мін.4 годину. 08 мін.23 годину. 30 хв. p align="justify"> годину. +45 Мін.16 годину. +53 Мін.4 годину. 20 хв. p align="justify"> годину. 00 мін.9 годину. 35 мін.8 годину. 55 хв. p align="justify"> годину. 30 мін.7 годину. 17 мін.19 годину. 15 хв. p align="justify"> Exercise 10. Answer the following questions. p align="justify">. What time do you usually get up? (7 год. 10 хв. Ранку)

. What time do you have breakfast? (7 год. 30 хв. Ранку)

. What time do you usually go to the University? (8 год. 15 мін. Ранку)

. What time do you go into the classroom if classes begin at a quarter past eight? (At nine o'clock, at half past eight, at a quarter to nine, at ten minutes past eight, at twenty minutes to nine)

. What time do you usually get home? (6:00. 45 хв. Вечора)

. When do you begin doing your homework? (9 год. 15 хв. Вечора)

. What time do you go to bed? (11час. 50 мін. Вечори)

Things to do

Task 1. Answer the following questions. You can find the answers in the text. p align="justify"> 1. What accommodations do the most colleges have for their students? p align="justify">. What are the students studying for the first degree called? p align="justify">. What types of English universities can be broadly classified into? p align="justify"> Task 2. Translate and comment on the following. p align="justify"> - We all know that the British are very cultural people and many possess an outstanding mind.

Task 3. Give your arguments for and against the following saying. p align="justify"> - Nowadays the number of students who enter into higher education is increasing.

Task 4. Work in small groups. Role-play the situation: YOU WANT TO ENTER INTO HIGHER EDUCATION.with your friends the following points. p align="justify"> В· institutes of higher education

В· the town where you will study

В· your aims and ambitions

Remember to:

В· discuss all the options

В· take an active part in the conversation and be polite

В· come up with ideas

В· give reasons

В· ask for your friend s opinion and agree or disagree with him her

В· come to an agreement


is power.and learn.know everything is to know nothing.


Task 1. Choose the correct transcription. p align="justify"> 1) laneA. [L Г¦ n] B. [Lein] C. [Lain]

2) gift A. [Guft] B. [Dзift] C. [Gift]

3) seed A. [Si: d] B. [Sid] C. [Sed]

4) eveA. [Evi] B. [I: v] C. [Ev]

5) tightA. [Tait] B. [Taight] C. [Tig]

Task 2. Choose the correct spelling. p align="justify"> 1) [drai] A. draB. deryC. dry

2) [hold] A. holedB. holdC. hould

3) [pu: l] A. poolB. pulC. pule

4) [feis] A. faceB. the...

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