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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » Інститут процесуальної співучасті в зарубіжних державах

Реферат Інститут процесуальної співучасті в зарубіжних державах


) Greenawalt A. Limiting Coercive Speech in Class Actions / / Yale LJ 2005. Vol. 114.

31) Halabi E. El derecho a la Intimidad y la Ley Espia. Buenos Aires: Utsupra, 2009.

) Issacharoff S. Governance and Legitimacy in the Law of Class Actions / / Sup. Ct. Rev. 1999.

) Issacharoff S., Miller G.P. Will Aggregate Litigation Come to Europe?// Vand. L. Rev. 2009. Vol. 62.

) Kaplan B. Continuing Work of the Civil Committee: 1966 Amendments of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (I) / / Harv. L. Rev. 1967. Vol. 81.

) Lorenzetti R. Justicia colectiva. Santa Fe: Rubinzal-Culzoni, 2010.

) Mank B. Summers v. Earth Island Institute Rejects Probabilistic Standing, «Realistic Threat» of Harm Is a Better Standing Test / / Envtl. L. 2010. Vol. 40.

) Marcus R., Redish M.H., Sherman E.F. Civil Procedure. A Modern Approach. 4th ed. St. Paul: Thomson West, 2005.

) Mello de Camargo Ferraz AA, Lopes Guimaraes J., Jr. A Necessaria Elaboracao de Uma Nova Doutrina de Ministerio Publico, Compatrvel com seu Atual Perfil Constitucional / / Ministerio Publico. Instituicao e Processo / A.A. Mello de Camargo Ferraz (org.). Sao Paulo: Atlas, 1977.

39) Melnick K. In Defense of the Class Action Lawsuit: An Examination of the Implicit Advantages and a Response to Common Criticisms / / St. John's J. Legal Comment. 2008. Vol. 22.

) Mercader A.A. Poderes de la Nacion y de las provincias para instituir normas de procedimiento. Buenos Aires: Juridica Argentina, 1939.

) Molinario A. in: Miami Conference Summary of Presentations / Transcr. and ed. by J.F. Molloy / / Ariz. J. Int'l & Comp. L. 2003. Vol. 20.

42) Mulheron R. From Representative Rule to Class Action: Steps Rather Than Leaps / / Civil Justice Quarterly. 2005. 24 (Oct). P

) Mullenix L.S. New Trends in Standing and Res Judicata in Collective Suits / / General Report to the XIII International Convention on Procedural Law (Salvador Bahfa, Brazil, 09/16-22/07). Rio de Janeiro: Forense, 2007.

) Oteiza E.D. La constitucionalizacion de los derechos colectivos y la ausencia de un proceso que los «ampare» / / Procesos Colectivos / E. Oteiza (coord.). Santa Fe: Rubinzal-Culzoni, 2006.

) Pellegrini Grinover A. Acciones colectivas iberoamericanas: nuevas cuestiones sobre la legitimacion y la cosa juzgada. Relatorio presented atthe Roma Convention (May, 2002).

) Pellegrini Grinover A. Acoes coletivas Ibero-Americanas: novas questoes sobre a legitimacao ea coisa julgada. Report for Brazil to the International Convention of Procedural Law, Tor Vergata University, Rome, May 2002.

) Pellegrini Grinover A. Derecho Procesal Colectivo / / RDP. 2006-II.

) Rosenberg D. Mass Tort Class Actions: What Defendants Have and Plaintiffs Don't / / Harv. J. on Legis. 2000. Vol. 37.

49) Salgado J.M. La corte y la construccion del casocolectivo / / La Ley. 2007-D.

) Scott K.E. Two Models of the Civil Process / / Stan. L. Rev. 1975. Vol. 27.

) Seligman B. Using Law for Change: Litigation to Challenge Systemic Violations / / Clearinghouse Rev. 2011. Vol. 44.

) Silva L.P. da, Filho A. Sobre a distincao entre interesses coletivos e interesses individuais homogeneos / / Processo en Constituicao / L. Fux, N. Nery, Jr., TAA Wambier (org.). Sao Paulo: Revista dos Tribunais, 2006.


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