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Реферат Culture of Turkey

usband's family and lives there. In Turkey lots of houses are never finished, it has got 2 causes. On the one hand it can be because as more and more people live together, more and more space needed and they built an additional floor on the top of the house, which costs a lot and most of Turkish families can build it just slowly. On the other hand they not always want to finish it because in Turkey after every finished house tax has to be paid, which means an additional burden for those poor families. Today because of industrialization and urbanization unclean families replace the traditional family structure. Unclean family means that husband; wife and unmarried children live together. In traditional Turkish families, the father is the head of the family, but the mother has equal rights. The father is the person who earns the money for the family. The mother either helps to work and earn money or takes care of the home. Grandparents help to raise children, while children help with the housework. Nowadays we can see the effects of West that for Turkish people also enough 2 or 3 children, in case of wealthy families that there is only 1 child. p align="justify"> 2. Women

plays an important role in the lives of women. Islam influenced women s life in Arabic countries, and women were exposed to all wishes of their husbands.the woman her fertility gives her value. For the modern Turkish families the idyllic picture is a family which grounds on powerful and steady basis.the infertile women some fruits or herbs are hanged over her uterus. Nowadays more and more people turn to doctor for advice and medication. In Anatolia it was a habit to petition at greaves for fertility.Turkey in the declaration of the Republic in 1923, one of the most significant elements in the social revolution planned and advocated by Ataturk was the emancipation of Turkish women, based on the principle that the new Turkey was to be a secular state, since then women have right to work in the public sector.1926, a new code of Turkish civil law was adopted, which suddenly changed the family structure. Polygamy was abolished along with religious marriages and divorce and child custody became the right of both women and men. A minimum age for marriage was fixed at 15 for girls and 17 for boys.the secularization of the educational system, women gained equal rights with men in the field of education as well and no longer had to wear the veils and long garments, required by the old religious beliefs. The right to vote for women was granted at the municipal level in 1930 and nationwide in 1934, in this year they gained right to be electable. In 1935 18 women became elected as Members of Parliament, which meant 4.5%. In 1993 Tansu Г‡ iller is the first woman elected Prime Minister of Turkey., Turkish women were far ahead of many of their western sisters ...

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