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Реферат The state apparatus of Ukraine

irection of civil organiza В¬ haniv. State agency considered theory of law as the primary structural element of the state apparatus, it is with government composed his individual links and sections, the whole system of the state apparatus as a holistic phenomenon.person has to enter into certain relationships with certain agencies of the state (a state machine) and its other organizations. Therefore, for the success of every subject you need to know the purpose and types of these bodies, their relationships, interdependence, legal capabilities and other characteristics.ROZLIL


.1 The concept, content and features of Ukraine's state apparatus

state apparatus ukraine

The main functions of any state in different historical cha В¬ sy are those aimed at providing public authorities across the whole of society, exercise on behalf of the state management, and therefore the main institution that uosob В¬ lyuye and represents the state, is the state apparatus. В¬ tion device designed to perform basic state functions that В¬ the practical exercise of state power and administration su В¬ acceptable to voters and is an inherent part of both, and there В¬ tion and functioning of the state.state apparatus has a specific purpose, namely, the exercise of state power, but its structure and principles of various factors affecting the economic, political, historical, international and otherwise, and substantial or functional changes require improvement of the state apparatus, new agencies.dual understanding of the apparatus of the state: in the narrow and broad sense.apparatus of the state (in the narrow sense) - the actual administrative apparatus or device executive, consisting of officials and headed by a senior executive.apparatus of the state (in the broad sense) - along with the proper management apparatus includes a head of state, parliament, local governments, armed forces, militia (police), diplomatic missions abroad and others [5, p.90-91]., the state apparatus - a combination of government, their units and units authorized to der В¬ tional power and control, based on their activity on the possibility of coercion. 's state apparatus is characterized by a number of the following characteristics:

) state machine is the main institution of the state, the average direct В¬ carrier state, which he authorized prac В¬ cally perform and present relations with the public;

) the state apparatus as a systemic formation formed and operates on the basis of common principles of organization and operation;

) the state apparatus is a complex system of providing for the division into separate units and divisions as per functional В¬ tional criterion - the branches of government and by hierarchical denotes В¬ ing - the...

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