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Реферат Kosovo war and US intervention

estic economic experts indicated the vital need for the USA of implementation of destabilization of economy of the third countries for increase from their party of demand for dollars and «absorptions» by them being released because of introduction of euro dollar weight. However possibilities of this mechanism initially were limited, and cost for its realization of v excessive. Intellectual and administrative advantage of the USA was shown that their experts and leaders could step over a framework of habitual representations for the solution of this problem.the end of 1998 they drew a conclusion that from euro rather destructive and painful war in Europe, being conducted with active participation of the European countries of NATO can provide the guaranteed protection of dollar against the competition only. War against Yugoslavia because of oppressions of Albanians to Kosovo and Hungarians in Vojvodina was recognized as the most effective. Humanitarian intensity and hundreds thousands refugees who were closely adjoining in the homeland to organized crime and a drug mafia, the center of long-term intensity in the center of Europe, considerable destructions and an ecological disaster, - all this reliably destabilized economy of Europe and limited the potential of euro for the next years to the status no more than regional currency.sightedness of the European countries can be justified - after all if the capitals of the USA act on the global financial markets, the continental capitals are closer to real sector and don «t come off it absolutely, as their American partners. Therefore they really could not see consequences of the Yugoslavian war for euro, - but thus they counted on realization with its help of the specific.most evident manifestation of limitation of continental consciousness is the amazing level of carelessness shown at introduction of euro. So, domestic experts didn »t manage to find direct signs of carrying out not that complex quantitative, but even the simple qualitative analysis of consequences of introduction of euro for the countries of the Eurozone and their external relations. Strictly speaking, emergence of a global financial contradiction of the Eurozone with the USA as a result of euro introduction, probably, in general seriously wasn't analyzed by the Eurozone countries. [1]

1.2 Updating of the USA economy at the expense of currency expenses

War in Yugoslavia allowed the USA to update economy and to lift its level concerning the countries of Europe at the expense of huge increase in the currency expenses spent for war. If to track courses of Eurocurrencies throughout winter, spring and summer of 1999, it is easy to notice a tendency to their falling .. e. if the European currencies are devaluated concerning US dollar, the European goods exported to America, become cheaper. The economy of the USA already received a gain more than 6%, and European remained at the same level. So Europe has nothing to sell, but there are a lot of things that it is possible to buy from the USA, and every day the goods imported from States become more expensive.other words, if on January 1, 1999 you bought 1 kg of gold approximately for 10141.00 USD, having sold it now, you will be able to gain only 9351.00 USD. Where the difference in 790.00 USD got to? [2]

1.3 Investments into the destroyed ec...

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