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Реферат Varieties of capitalism in the globalizing world

It is a variant of collectivism democracy. Nation in Japan is above all things. Japanese culture plays an important role. Japanese democracy: subordination of private interests in favour of public interests. Japanese model of capitalism can be characterised by stable economics, high level of life and sustainable development of economics.

European models of capitalism

There are two main types of European models of capitalism:

A) social-democratic model of Scandinavian type:

Small and medium-sized business acts as a basis. It is characterized by high level of life, stability, social protection;

B) social-market model of Common market countries:

Such countries have developed economics, high level of social protection of citizens by the government (France) or monopolistic banks (Germany). These countries typically have high level of life, high stability, sometimes they have high level of unemployment and crime (esp. Italy).

USA capitalism

Capitalism in the USA is a classic state-monopolistic capitalism with high role of government in economics and politics. The main characteristics of US-capitalism are: high level of formal democracy, high average level of life, unemployment, crimes.

Canadian model

In the basis of Canadian capitalism there is social-market economics and harmonization of interests of all population, however, there is rather high level of unemployment and ethnic conflicts (ex. Quebec).

Neo-colonial models

Eastern Asian capitalism ("Dragons": South Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan and ASEAN countries)

Eastern Asian capitalism is a capitalism with dominate role of government. Specific democracy of "asian type" built on Confucianism ethics. Level of life: in "Dragons" level of life is average, in ASEAN - below average. It can be characterized by dramatic stratification of society, mafia, corruption, high crime rates.

South Asian capitalism (India, Pakistan, Sri-Lanka)

It is a so-called "feudal clannish" capitalism, that is characterized by big separation between the rich and the poor and serious interethnic problems. Political fluctuation is also typical for these countries. p> Buddhism dominates, that is why denying of material wealth is typical.

Muslim capitalism of Arabian countries

The concentration of all power is in hands of dynastic sheiks. Democratic institutions does not play any role in these countries. There is high average indexes of life standards but in reality there is a high separation between the rich and the poor. Basis of valuables is Koran. p> African capitalisms of militaristic feudal type

For African capitalisms agrarian and raw-material economics are a basis. It can be characterized by high level of poverty, famine. There is a small layer of very rich people. It has clannish tribal democracy. p> Latin American model

This is an autocratic criminal capitalism of agrarian type. This model is characterized by high segregation of population, corruption and high rates of crime.

It is clear that all the models listed above are constantly in a changing process as concerning the form and main points. In what direction are they changing? The answer to this question demands the careful analysis of each concrete model. But even in this case it will differ according to this or that ideology which consciously or unconsciously the researcher adheres.

Capitalism in Russia

Capitalism in Russia is a capitalism of neo-colonial type.

It is characterized by the dependence from the West. In the centre there is pro-American and pro-Western regime, based on the bourgeoisie. There is high separation between the rich and the poor and a small layer of very rich people. These rich people earn money by operations with foreign capital.


World Financial Crisis

"Few people today realize that economical globalization involves crises globalization "(S. Maltsev)

The current economic crisis, in fact, begun a few centuries ago - at the time of the rise of capitalism. The system, which is based on the idea of ​​innovation and promote scientific and technological progress in debt, so the manufacturer can create an additional product, exchanging it for money, food and other benefits, sooner or later, had to collapse.

The current global financial crisis, there are many different reasons. But, in our opinion, there are two main reasons that a local crisis of US mortgage poor quality escalated into full-blown global crisis. Firstly, it's extremely high debt load of our financial and economic system. And, secondly, it has reached an unprecedented level of globalization of the world's financial processes.

First make our system extremely vulnerab...

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