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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » Розробка програми, що моделює муаровий ефект

Реферат Розробка програми, що моделює муаровий ефект

Target Or ClearFlags.ZBuffer, Color.Blue, 1.0F, 0). BeginScene () «Початок сцени.VertexFormat=CustomVertex.PositionNormalTextured.Format ()» Налаштування камери.SetTexture (0, texturefloor). SetStreamSource (0, vertexBuffer2, 0 ). Transform.World2=Matrix.Multiply (Matrix.RotationY (0), Matrix.Translation (- 10, 0, 0)). Transform.World=Matrix.Multiply (device.Transform.World2, device.Transform.World1) . DrawPrimitives (PrimitiveType.TriangleList, 0, 2 * mx2 * my2). Transform.World2=Matrix.Multiply (Matrix.RotationX (-Math.PI / 2), Matrix.Translation (- 10, 0, 0)). Transform . World=Matrix.Multiply (device.Transform.World2, device.Transform.World1). DrawPrimitives (PrimitiveType.TriangleList, 0, 2 * mx2 * my2) mmn.MRast=False Then.SetTexture (0, texture). TextureState ( 0). ColorOperation=TextureOperation.Modulate.TextureState (0). ColorArgument1=TextureArgument.TextureColor.TextureState (0). ColorArgument2=TextureArgument.Diffuse.Transform.World2=Matrix.Multiply (Matrix.RotationY (0), Matrix.Translation (- 10 + (20 - 16) / 2, 2, - 0.5)). Transform.World=Matrix.Multiply (device.Transform.World2, device.Transform.World1). SetStreamSource (0, vertexBuffer, 0). DrawPrimitives ( PrimitiveType.TriangleList, 0, 2 * mx * kol_y). SetTexture (0, textureM). TextureState (0). ColorOperation=TextureOperation.Modulate.TextureState (0). ColorArgument1=TextureArgument.TextureColor.TextureState (0). ColorArgument2=TextureArgument . Diffuse.Transform.World2=Matrix.Multiply (Matrix.RotationY (0), Matrix.Translation (- 10 + (20 - 16) / 2, 2, - 0.5)). Transform.World=Matrix.Multiply (device. Transform.World2, device.Transform.World1). SetStreamSource (0, vertexBufferM, 0). DrawPrimitives (PrimitiveType.TriangleList, 0, 2 * mx * kol_y). MRast=FalseIfmmn.createcameraview=False Then.SetTexture (0, texturecamera) vecFrom As New Vector3 (mmn.NumericUpDownCX.Value, 10 + mmn.NumericUpDownCY.Value, 1 - mmn.NumericUpDownCZ.Value) vecAt As New Vector3 (0, 10, 0) vecUp As New Vector3 (0, 1, 0) matWorldInv As MatrixmatWorld As Matrix=Matrix.LookAtLH (vecFrom, vecAt, vecUp)=Matrix.Invert (matWorldInv). SetTransform (TransformType.World, matWorld). DrawSubset (0) vecFrom2 As New Vector3 (mmn.NumericUpDownCX.Value, 20, 1- mmn.NumericUpDownCZ.Value) vecAt2 As New Vector3 (mmn.NumericUpDownCX.Value, 0, 1.1 - mmn.NumericUpDownCZ.Value)=Matrix.LookAtLH (vecFrom2, vecAt2, vecUp)=Matrix.Invert (matWorldInv). SetTransform (TransformType . World, matWorld). DrawSubset (0)=New Vector3 (mmn.NumericUpDownPX.Value, 10 + mmn.NumericUpDownPY.Value, 1 - mmn.NumericUpDownPZ.Value)=Matrix.LookAtLH (vecFrom, vecAt, vecUp)=Matrix. Invert (matWorldInv). SetTransform (TransformType.World, matWorld). DrawSubset (0)=New Vector3 (mmn.NumericUpDownPY.Value, 20, 1 - mmn.NumericUpDownPZ.Value)=New Vector3 (mmn.NumericUpDownPY.Value, 0, 1.1 - mmn.NumericUpDownPZ.Value)=Matrix.LookAtLH (vecFrom2, vecAt2, vecUp)=Matrix.Invert (matWorldInv). SetTransform (TransformType.World, matWorld). DrawSubset (0) If.EndScene () «Кінець сцени. Present () mmn.createcameraview=True ThenFbufC As Direct3D.Surface=device.GetBackBuffer (0, 0, BackBufferType.Mono) mmn.createcameraviewM=False Then.Save («. Вид робочої поверхності.bmp», ImageFileFormat.Bmp, FbufC). Save («. Вид уявної поверхності.bmp», ImageFileFormat.Bmp, FbufC) If.createcameraview=False.createcameraviewM=FalseIfSub »Render

'Процедура настройки виду, миру і камери

Private Sub SetupMatric...

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