ines, v. 2. Cambridge, 1957, p. 292-293. p> 70. Northern Editorials on Secession. Ed. by H.C. Perkins. New York, 1942, p. 154, 127, 137, 152, 146, 138, 147. p> 71. New York Daily Tribune. Nov. 3. 1860. p> 72. Ibid. Jan. 5, 7, 10, 11, 12, 22, 28, 31; Febr. 5, 6, 19, 21. 1861. p> 73. Ibid. Nov. 2, 9; Dec. 3. 1860; Potter DM. Lincoln and His Party in the Secession Crisis. New Haven - London, 1962, p. 52-56; Howe D.W. Political History of the Secession. New York, 1969, p. 560-561. p> 74. New York Herald. Jan. 17. 1861. p> 75. Ibid. Jan. 4. 1861. p> 76. McPherson J.M. The Political History of the Great Rebellion. New York, 1960, p. 42. p> 77. Documents of American History. Ed. by H.S. Commager. New York, 1958, p. 374-376. p> 78. New York Herald. Nov. 28.1860. p> 79. Nevins A. Op. cit., p. 2. p> 80. New York Times. Dec. 24. 1860. p> 81. New York Times. Dec. 22. 1860. p> 82. New York Herald, March 9. 1861. p> 83. New York Evening Post. Febr. 14. 1861. p> 84. New York Evening Post. Nov. 12. 1860. p> 85. A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents, 1789-1897, v. V. Washington, 1897, p. 626. p> 86. Ibid., P. 634-636. p> 87. The Annals of America, v. 9. Washington. 1977. p. 230-233. p> Для підготовки даної роботи були використані матеріали з сайту