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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые обзорные » Педагогічні ідеї Роберта Оуена

Реферат Педагогічні ідеї Роберта Оуена

gn="justify"> Ось неповний перелік праць Роберта Оуена, виданих у різний час і різними видавництвами:. Owen s Speech at a public dinner given to J. Lancaster in 1812Statement regarding the New Lanark. Establishment. Edinburgh. 1812New View Of Society, Essays on the Formation of Human Character. London. 1813-1814 3 ed. 1817.on the Effect of the Manufacturing System. 2nd edn, London. 1815Adress delivered to the inhabitants of New Lanark. 1816to the Committee for the Relief of the Manufacturing Poor. 1817. In The Life of Robert Owen written by Himself, 2 vols, London, 1857-8delivered at the city of London Tavern. August 14, 1817address delivered at the city of London Tavern. August 21, 1817.further - development of the plan for the relief of the poor and emancipation of mankind. 1817to the British Master Manufacturers on the employment of children in manufactories. March 1818memorials behalf of the working classes. 1818 In The Life of Robert Owen written by Himself, 2 vols, London, 1857-8.catechism of the view of society. 1818of Robert Owen of New Lenark in Scotland.the Governments of Europe and America (germ., franc., Eng.) Francfort. 1818Address to the Master Manufacturers of Great Britain. Bolton. 1819.to the Country of Lenark. May 1, 1820to the County of Lanark of a Plan for relieving Public Distress. Glasgow: Glasgow University Press. 1821Explanation of the Cause of Distress which pervades the civilized parts of the world. London. & Paris. 1823.one of the founders of the Grand National Consolidated Trade Union (GNCTU) 1830.Address to All Classes in the State. London. 1832.fundamentals du systeme social de la communaute des biens.de l anglais par Jules Gay. Paris, 1837 (authorized translation) on the traditional system of society. London, 1841development of the principyes und plans on which to establich selfsupporting home colonies. London, 1841Revolution in the Mind and Practice of the Human Race. London. 1849.book of the New moral world, containing the rational system of society. In seven parts. London, 1849 (Книга про новий моральному світі) entre la France.monde et Robert Owen sur la necessite d un changement total dans nos systemes d edecation et de gouvernement. Paris, 1848revolution in the mind and practice of the human race. London, 1849 (with short autobiography) on education, as it is and as it ought to be, addressed to the Teachers of the human race in all Countries. London, 1851new existence of man upon the earth (5 parts), London, 1854-1855life of Robert Owen, written by himself. Vol. 1 and 11, London, 1857 and 1858

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