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Реферат Інструмент OLE

ny version 1.01. Each field from the table/.DBF becomes a column in the new spreadsheet, and each record in the table/.DBF becomes a row in the spreadsheet.


A Lotus Symphony spreadsheet can be created from a FoxPro table/.DBF with this option. A. WRK extension is assigned to the spreadsheet file name for use with Symphony version 1.10. Each field from the table/.DBF becomes a column in the new spreadsheet, and each record in the table/.DBF becomes a row in the spreadsheet.


Include XLS to create a spreadsheet you can use in Microsoft Excel. Each field in the + Selected table/.DBF becomes a column in the spreadsheet; each table/.DBF record becomes a row in the spreadsheet. An. XLS file name extension is assigned to the newly created spreadsheet file unless you specify a different extension.

The format of IMPORT is:



FW2 | MOD | PDOX | RPD | WK1 | WK3 | WKS | WR1 | WRK | XLS

As it shown in format (TYPE) there are many possible Microsoft applications to import from to FoxPro but the meaning of these properties, description of which you can see in the previous chapter, that's why it's not necessary to list all of them again. So we will mention those most common used. br/>


Most software packages store their data in a file format that cannot be opened directly in FoxPro. IMPORT creates a new FoxPro table/.DBF from data stored in file formats that FoxPro cannot read.

A new table/.DBF is created with the same name as the file the data is imported from. A. DBF extension is assigned to the newly created table/.DBF. br/>


is the name of the file to import data from. If you don't include an extension with the file name, the default extension for the specified file type is assumed. br/>


The key word TYPE is optional, but you must include one of the following file types described below.


Include PDOX to import Paradox files. Database files in Paradox versions 3.5 and 4.0 by Borland can be imported by including the PDOX option.


Include XLS to import data from Microsoft Excel spreadsheets versions 2.0, 3.0 and 4.0. Columns from the spreadsheet become fields in the table/.DBF, and the spreadsheet rows become records in the table/.DBF. Spreadsheet files created in Microsoft Excel have an. XLS extension.

The format of COPY is:




[FOR ]





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