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Реферат Bilateral economic diplomacy between Germany and Russia

ent) and data-processing and electrical equipment (both 7 per cent). its need to comprehensively modernize, Russia is an important and receptive export and investment market. In the first half of 2012, investment by German companies in the Russian Federation amounted to EUR 19.2 billion, about the same level as in the half of 2011. Around a third of the investments made were to expand existing company branches, in some cases involving the establishment or expansion of production facilities. There are currently more than 6,500 companies with German equity participation in Russia, operating in 81 out of 83 Federation subjects (administrative units). Although most regions in Russia actively seek to attract foreign investment, and in some cases actively promote such investment, doing business in Russia requires circumspection and careful consulting on account of the country s many idiosyncrasies . With the passage of anti-corruption legislation, the Russian government has tackled one of the main problems affecting foreign trade relations. Customs clearance, certification and administrative procedures often still prove difficult.addition to that, I decided to add the list of Co-operation actions:

ТЗ Germany and Russia have frequent exchange of visits on the political, economic and cultural agenda. Russia regards Germany as its leading European partner, and is an important trading partner for Germany.

ТЗ Germany and Russia are co-operating in building the Nord Stream gas pipeline.

ТЗ Many former East Germans have a good knowledge about Russia. The German language is in a firm second place (behind English) at Russian schools, and President Putin speaks German fluently. On 11 Ap ril 2005, a "Joint Declaration on a Strategic Partnership in Education, Research and Innovation" was signed by Chancellor SchrУЖder and President Putin. This accord aims at stepping up bilateral cooperation in the education sector, particularly in training specialist and executive personnel.

ТЗ Germany has a heavy industry with the size and capacity to modernize infrastructure in Russia. Russia in turn has vast natural resources which are of significant interest to the German economy.

ТЗ A major success in environment policy is Russia's ratification of the Kyoto Protocol on 27 October 2004, which will also bring economic benefits.

ТЗ Germany was a strong supporter for Russia's participation in the Group of 8.

ТЗ Dresdner Bank of Germany has close ties to Gazprom, by far Russia's ...

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