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Реферат Неформальне лист


) Пояснення нового матеріалу (по ходу виконання вправ)

Before we pass to the exercises, let s answer the following questions: often do you write letters? often do you receive letters? you prefer writing letters or e-mails? do you prefer to receive? do people write letters? 1 on page 41 (SB)

How can you understand in 2 seconds that a letter is informal or formal?

(the endings: loads of love, love, the exclamation marks, there are no addresses), let s read the letters and answer the following questions: illness or injury do Emily and Julie each have? quick ! Emily has broken her arm. 's got a temperature and an upset stomach.2 on page 41 (SB) you should look again at the texts and answer the question:

What has Emily been doing at school?

Why doesn «t Emily» s mum get home until late?

What have her dad and her brother bought?

What have Dave and Sally been doing?

What does Susie think of Graham, in Julie's opinion?

Where does Graham go to school now?

. She s been having exams and rehearing for the Christmas show.

. She s been working really hard.

. Her dad s bought a car and her brother s bought a new computer.

. They ve been going out together since Halloween.

. She fancies him.

. He goes to school in London.3 on page 41 (SB) A next to the phrases for beginning a letter and B next to the phrases for signalling the end of a letter. You can work in pairs or individually. It s up to you.for informal letters

Sorry I haven't written for ages. A

That's all my news for now. B

It was great to hear from you. A

Must dash - Mum's calling me for dinner. B

I «d better finish here as I» m running out of space. B

Thanks for your letter. A

I «d better stop here. It »s getting late. B

That «s all for now. I »d better go now. B

How are you? A

2) Закріплення нового матеріалу

Exercise 4 on page 41 (SB)

Your task is to find the phrases (1 - 7) in the letters. Then match the phrases with the functions (a-g). You have 3 minutes to do this task.: 1e 2b 3a 4d 5c 6f 7g5 on page 41 (SB) notes for an informal letter to a friend who has moved away from your town. Follow the plan below. You can work in pairs.1: Start with an appropriate phrase. Apologize for not writing sooner.2: Give news about yourself.3: Give news about your friends and / or family.4: Ask questions about your friend.6 on page 41 (SB) s read the writing tip.Tip! Informal letters , we usually use everyday language.normally use short forms instead of long forms.you are to write a letter of 120-150 words using your notes from exercise 5. Also, use phrases from exercises 3 and 4. You should include as many of the new expressions as possible.you are ready to check, swap letters with your pair who should comment in the use of informal language and the organi...

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