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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Статьи » The oxidative dehydrogenation of С1-С2 alcohols on copper-contained zeolites and HTSC

Реферат The oxidative dehydrogenation of С1-С2 alcohols on copper-contained zeolites and HTSC

plexes interfere with formation of cluster structures. The heat treatment of this sample causes the transference of isolated copper cations on SII and SI sites in synthetic X and Y zeolites. Cu2 + ions localized in sodalite cavities in SII raquo ;, under influence of molecules of alcohol at reaction temperatures migrate in large cavities - sites SIII and complete coordination up to octahedral at the expense of molecules of alcohol.


, the catalytic activity of the zeolites and HTSC-materials in the reaction of the oxidative dehydrogenation of C1-C2 alcohols is determined by presence of the identical active sites - the associates of copper ions with oxygen; for zeolites they are migrate in to the big cavities - copper ions with extra coordination by oxygen, and for superconductive cuprates they are the fixed - O - Cu - O - chains or CuO2 planes, which are capable to change their coordination at loss of oxygen.


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