te, stability of the political system of the society, moral peg of the public consciousness of the developed civil society, the foundation on which the whole legal state is based.present Russia is on the way of construction of the legal state. And observance of rights of a person and a citizen is one of the main factors of the firm development of the Russian state.Republic Iran occupies the unique place in constitutional history of foreign countries. First of all, on the whole modern constitutional development of Iran there lies the shade of the antishakh revolution of 1979, which interrupted the process of political and social-economic modernization of 1960s - 1970s and which stopped by forcible action the action of Constitution of Iran of 1906.literature on constitutional law Iran is characterized as modernized theocratic state [1]. At the same time in condition of clerical-authoritarian political mode there is regularly conducted election the later which had significant public resonance presidential elections took place in 2009. The principles of the Islam in this state have found constitutional stipulation and are everyday realized in law-making activity. Thus Iran on ethnic composition does not pertain to Arabic countries, geographically being in their encirclement. Besides, it is the single state in the region, which avoided direct colonization of the European countries. Therefore the influence of the later on state-legal system Iran was solely mediated.during thirty years in conditions of hard political opposition with the United States, the authorities of Iran support the radical Islamic groups in region, in particular, Hezbollah raquo ;, openly threaten existence of the State of Israel, pretend on special relations with the Russian Federation.these circumstances dictate the value and urgency of the study of the constitutional law of Islamic Republic Iran (IRI) .the Soviet study of East countries there positively enough was valued the Iran legislation of 1960s in accordance with the program of reforms, approved on the referendum on January 26, 1963. In particular, they pertained the acts of the land reform of 1963-1969., nationalizing of timber lands, change of law about elections to Medzhelis, the law about participation of workers in profit of enterprises of 1963 the law about extension of rights of women s in the sphere of household relations of 1967 [2] .the same time, the generalizing composition, published on the eve of Antishakh, Islamic revolution of 1979, contained absolutely invalid conclusion that the objective development of the country, its modernization would bring to gradual fall of the role and influence of religion and clergy in the Iran society [3] that did not correspond to the reality. The fact is that the leader of the Iran fundamentalist RM Homeyni came in opposition to the government in 1962 when on the order of the Shah there was liquidated the condition that all candidates to provincial assemblies should be Muslims, and witnesses in court obtained the right to give the oath not only on Koran, but also on other holy books. In 1 963 he called not to participate in the referendum, which was to approve the white revolution of Shakh. Homeyni convicted the violation of Islamic and constitutional principles, political, economic and military cooperation of western with Iran, deprivation of a part of the representatives of clergy of the freedom of speech. All this assisted the uniting around him heterogeneous opposition forces and quick growing of the authority of the ayatollah in the country.separate aspects of the given subject have found their reflection in the works of modern domestic and foreign lawyers [4]. In particular, the authors of the study on evolutions of the political systems in the east considered the problems of modernization of state-political system of Iran with standpoint of correlation of traditions and democratization, beginning from 1920-1930 [5]. In the opinion of V.E. Chirkin, in Iran the Koran is the part of the constitutional block raquo ;, put above the constitution and the rest parts [6]. The Russian lawyers refer Iran to the countries, where the Islamic Fundamentalism was confirmed on the state base [7]. They have made the conclusion that for the theocratic republic it is characteristic to have the legal stipulation of participation of the clergy not only in political life, but also in direct ruling of the state [8] .working Constitution of Islamic Republic Iran of 1979 contains the preamble and 14 chapters, in whole 177 articles. In the given article we use the text of the Constitution, placed on the sight of the Law Faculty of Richmond University, USA [9] .the antishah revolution of +1979 Iran, in accordance with the first Constitution of the state of 1906 on the form of rule was the parliamentary monarchy. The Constitution of 1906 consisted of two statutory acts: the Main law of 1906 and Additions to the main law o...