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Реферат A Critical evaluation of infrared analysis and mass spectrometry in forensic science

metry used a vacuum separation of ions of different masses under the influence of electric and magnetic fields. Therefore, the investigated substance is firstly subjected to the process of ionization. The process of ionization is excluded in the study of ionic structure of already ionized gases, such as electrical discharge in the ionosphere or planets. In the case of liquid and solid substances, they are pre-evaporated and then ionize. Often the positive ions are investigated, so that existing methods of ionization can receive them no more direct way and in larger quantities than negative. However, in some cases tested and negative ions. This method are used to make the expertise of the little pieces, that can `t be defined it the natural environment. The example can be the blood, pieces of skin and nails, drugs and even the pieces of dandruff. , The introduced methods give lots of advantages in the leading investigation. Firstly, these are non-destructive methods. They allow to get the examples of the materials saving all the shapes and structures. Secondly, they provide the accurate measurements that do not require external calibration. Finally, the methods are easy in exploitation and provide the fast results, define the things that can `t be gathered in the natural way. p align="justify"> comparison of Infrared Analysis and Mass Spectrometry

, with the help of mass spectrometry can be determined the trace elements in solution. The method provides better sensitivity in comparison to graphite furnace AA. After analyzing mass spectra to ICPOES, the general solution can be made that the mass spectra is much simpler in usage. Even though, the heavy elements provide thousands of emission lines, they include near 1-10 natural isotopes in mass spectrum. Thus, the mass spectrometry has the super sensitivity (Hits, Ronald A, 1992). Infrared analysis has near 2% of the sensitivity limit. However, using the most new techniques its level can be near 0.01%. Mass spectra `s sensitivity depends mostly on the ionization method, thus, an extract with 0.1 to 100 nag may be needed for injection a sufficient amount (Karate, Francis, Ray, Clement, 1988). With the help of infrared analysis the information about positional isomers can gathered, that is not possible using the mass spectrometry method. However, IR in the comparison to MS is less sensitive for 2 to 4 orders of magnitude usually. Analyzing its selectivity, it can be said, that the mass chromatograms can be used as a strongly selective gas detector What is more, MS gives the possibility to gain the additional information on the molecular structure (Griffins, Haseth, 1986), that can ` t be provided by the infrared spectra. That is why; the mass spectrometry method is more selective. According to the accuracy, MS uses isotopic internal standards and has the accuracy of В± 20%. The method is leaded by the general analytical calibration. IR accuracy is В± 5...

Назад | сторінка 4 з 6 | Наступна сторінка

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