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Реферат Lexico-semantical Peculiarities of Edgar Allan Poe's tales

and old building, prison-like rampart, mansion of gloom, bizarre architecture, comfortless and antique chamber, a large and lofty room, dark, high, turret-chamber, remote turret, dark and intricate passage, the Gothic archway of the hall, wilderness of narrow passages, vacant, eye-like windows, bleak wall, ebony blackness of the floors, smooth slim and cold wall, massy doors, ponderous gate; sable draperies , dark tapestries, fringed curtains of black velvet, gloomy furniture, gigantic sarcophagus of black granite, phantasmagoric armorial trophies, manifold and multiform armorial trophies.only the placement of fanciful subjects, that surround the heroes, plays a great role in the creation of general atmosphere, but also the light, sounds, even the movement of the air, which creates the impression of extraordinary things and mystery of everything that takes place.author pays a special attention to the depiction of the light. In the tales he clearly warps the reality and the ordinary feeling of environment, though the action always stays in the boundaries of the reality. The light creates a special effect and mood, hiding some and opening the other details. As a rule, these are the darkened and somehow sullen beams, which correspond to the general atmosphere of helplessness, downcast and depressed state. The examples may be the following word combinations: gleams of ancrimsoned light; some faint ray of light; wild sulphurous lustre; ghastly luster; the rays of the numerous candles; gleam and the radiance of the full, blood-red, setting moon; a blood of intense rays rolled throughout.the climaxes of Edgar Poe s tales one and the same sound is repeated all the time, which cannot concentrate attention and raise the too tense atmosphere. For example: sharp, grating sound, certain low and indefinite sounds, the echo of the very cracking and ripping sound, a low and apparently distant, but sharp, protracted, and most unusual screaming, a distant, hollow, metallic, and clangorous, jet apparently muffled reverberation, an indistinct murmur.great attention is paid to the scene also, because, as a rule, E. Poe s personages are isolated from the external world, and lead unsociable life, being plunged into their own thoughts and emotions. That s why the situation of depressed state has peculiar psychological influence on the all heroes. The main personage of Edgar Poe s tales is a man with his own passions and thoughts. On the pages of the writer s works we meet rather different people. For the creation of human characters the literary artist widely uses the words and word combinations, united with common theme traits of character , and also the units of moral-estimated vocabulary, such as:, resolution, audacity, stern nature, Ardor...

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